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  • You’re not going to get the Roller Coaster achievement without really trying for it.

    • My friends and I spent way too long trying to get it only to realize it wasn't available on the Xbox version (at least at the time).

      I'm still not entirely sure why we were playing the Xbox version when we were all using PCs and all owned the Steam version, but at least it's pretty simple to copy your save file around.

  • I always say that my only ask is that the first section of pipe coming off of the platform is straight, so that I don't get thrown off the pipe when riding it in. Otherwise, I don't really care what people do most of the time.

    • You will start caring when the other players will start crossing them and stacking them in a way where you will fall off of them at multiple points of the pipe. Refinery mission is my favourite mission in this game and I hate when other players ruin pipe riding. 😭