@osmand why are you so slow? this is a brand new samsung galaxy s24+
@osmand why are you so slow? this is a brand new samsung galaxy s24+
@osmand why are you so slow? this is a brand new samsung galaxy s24+
@osmand why are you so slow? this is a brand new samsung galaxy s24+
@osmand why are you so slow? this is a brand new samsung galaxy s24+
I think their main focus is on features. If you want fast, you might want to check out @organicmaps@fosstodon.org.
It doesn't seem that slow to me.
Maybe you could try Organic maps
It's almost the same speed on my device which has much lower hardware specs. You can open an issue on github, or look if it is already mentioned in one of the other 3,000 (!) open issues.
@gigachad Afaik opening an issue about speed on the github doesn't yield the desired results
@mamus @gigachad @openstreetmap
This problem has been getting worse for years, they seem more interested in new premium subscription bloat than having an app that works at a usable speed.
And posting it here will…?
@mamus @openstreetmap
It just getting worse the more they do to it.
It doesn't even seem to have a cache for locally rendered tiles so if you pan to a new area and pan back you get to wait a second time.
Have you tried the offline maps?
@Schlemmy that is the offline map. Online maps are smooth
You're right! Damn.
I'll come accross as rude but regardless just use organicmaps.org
OSMAnd is just a white elephant at this point.
For real, I came to this conclusion like a year ago, OM is the best maps for android rn
@TheFrirish @mamus what does white elephant mean
@cbed @TheFrirish@jlai.lu @mamus @openstreetmap
Something very expensive to maintain, but not very useful. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whiteelephant
Because they render the map offline (and have a slow render engine)
Make sure that you're using the "Version 2 (OpenGL) map rendering engine in the OSMAnd settings.
Using offline maps can also help, but I've never found it to be smooth like Google Maps (from years ago that I was using it).
I'm using an older Samsung Note, and don't have issues with the speed. It has improved quite a bit from maybe 2 years ago.
Looks like V2. That one shows the grid for not-yet-rendered areas
I just realized that the Version 1 renderer feels much snappier for me.
Just tried it, and it's unbearable on my device. It may also depend on what map layer(s) you're using, and the device capabilities.
V1 was the previous render engine, when pretty much everyone complained that it was too sluggish. LOL