Don't be fooled into thinking /r/place is in any way a tool for free expression. If King Steven detects any threat to his Realm, he will use the full powers of the Crown against that threat.
Wait a minute, did private API keys still work? If Tux's Place does something fun with bots, then I might just lend an instance or two.
Tux's Place writes the following:
If you want to take part in the protest on r/place, feel free to join this server. We will not be organizing anything related to Linux out of protest of Reddit’s decisions, but if individuals feel the need to take part in what’s happening on r/place, feel free.
If you want to disrupt reddit, I don't think giving them a spike from place would really matter. It'd just be a spike, and if you use it to promote alternatives, then that's probably a win-win.
Otherwise, promoting this place is a good thing, so I say go for it.