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Daily Discussion Thread: 🐕🐎 Wednesday, September 11, 2024


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  • where protest? Husband said at exhibition, it's not here, it's at the expo centre?

    • They're both called exhibition just for funsies. It's at Jeff's Shed, the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre if we're being formal.

      But I'd stay at the Royal Exhibition Building and chill in the nice gardens, much better vibes.

    • It was by Batman Park and outside the Crown. There wasn't a huge group, despite the coppers spending $10,000,000 on blocking traffic for it.

      The cops were absurdly violent to people who did show up though. Pepper spray, someone got shot in the face with a rubber bullet, lots of shoving.

    • Ooh I didn't realise you were going

      I stayed home cause I'm still feeling crook and really don't have the energy, but I've been reading the ABC's coverage, and it seems like it's winding down now, but has split into 2 groups

      From a bit over an hour ago:

      Crowds outside the Land Forces expo have now shrunk to a few hundred from their initial thousands this morning.

      ABC reporter Jess Longbottom is at the protest, and says demonstrators have mainly split into two groups — one in front of Crown Casino, and one on the north side of the Spencer St bridge.

      More recently:

      ABC reporter Natalie Whiting is on the ground at the protest and says protestors on the Batman Park side of the bridge have largely pulled back.

      "They have said they are assessing and recouping before deciding whether they will return this afternoon or wait until tomorrow," Whiting says.

      "There is still a group of protestors gathered on the other side of the river, closer to the convention centre."

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