Everett True scorns Big Business Politicians (September 7, 1914)
Everett True scorns Big Business Politicians (September 7, 1914)
Printed 110 years ago today in The Day Book of Chicago Illinois: https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/ndnp/iune/batch_iune_golf_ver01/data/sn83045487/00280761291/1914090701/0164.pdf
Besides the two posted so far, the Library of Congress has another two E. True cartoons printed September 7, 1914:
- in The Seattle Star, he smacks down a lawyer: https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/ndnp/wa/batch_wa_lacamas_ver01/data/sn87093407/0020029063A/1914090701/0276.pdf
- in The Detroit Times, he outbursts against rich people stuck in Europe due to the war: https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/ndnp/mimtptc/batch_mimtptc_ingalls_ver01/data/sn83016689/00279552039/1914090701/0739.pdf