So more like the old way which was more functional. Good. Also while they're at it if they could bring back the single tap toggle for Bluetooth but long press to connect devices, I'd like that. This way sucks.
While speaking on Bluetooth toggle, I find it very annoying that in order to toggle it, you have to unlock the phone. I.e. when phone locked, you click the button, then get prompted for unlocking, then the phone is unlocked and the Bluetooth toggled.
In such case, the phone should stay locked after the prompt and only toggle the functionality
Seriously, I just want to disconnect my headphones to connect them to my PC. It's easier now to just turn them off and on again, hoping my PC is quicker with pairing.
I HATE material you. Why did the buttons need to move? Heck, they just moved the search field from the top of the play store to inside a new tab at the bottom.