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UPDATE: rescued kitten

I rescued this little guy around 3 weeks ago. I never took care of a kitten before, but fortunately he's been making amazing progress. He's almost fully weaned at this point.

Shoutout to user Joshua Nozzi from my previous post, who urged me to see a vet. If I went any later he may wouldn't have made it.

  • Congrats on the new addition to the family.

    My daughter found a kitten on the side of the road 3 weeks ago too and brought her to my house, she may be your evil twin lol (Joking of course, this is in Canada)

    Edit: well joking about the twin part, maybe not so much the evil bit... she's presently trying to chew my sock off.

    • Wow, that's a beauty right there! I can relate to the chewing part. Mine has found a particular interest in chewing on my fingers, which has gradually become more painful the more teeth he got...

  • Thank you for taking the user's advice and going to the vet! You don't know how many people ignore that advice when it's given.

    Bless you! Thank you for helping the little guy.