Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung had said: "The fact is that a private photographer was permitted on the premises and for whatever reason an unnamed individual, clearly suffering from a mental health episode, decided to physically block members of President Trump's team during a very solemn ceremony."
Project 2025 is trying to drag the US back to a time where any woman who dares to question a man, or expresses an opinion not given to her by her father or husband, or speaks out of turn, is immediately labeled as, "hysterical".
He really is quite weird saying that someone who tried to enforce the rules they're employed to enforce was ”clearly suffering from a mental health episode”
He's fucking nuts, and as soon as I heard trump staff got in a fight at a cemetery and accused workers of having a mental illness, I knew it was Cheung.
Calling him a "complete cunt" is really underselling it. He acts like Elong Musk, just responds to anything with outrageous insults and loud noises.
In just this last 24 hour news cycle, you can add wind (which causes people not to eat bacon) and sleeping on the beach while on vacation (Biden). Trump is a deeply weird dude.
The biggest travesty here is that the employee won't press charges because he's afraid of retaliation. Either by Trump himself, his mom of rabid cultists, or both.