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Developers Rail Against JavaScript ‘Merchants of Complexity’ Developers Rail Against JavaScript ‘Merchants of Complexity’

When both Pieter Levels and Alex Russell convincingly argue against using complex JavaScript frameworks, maybe frontend devs should listen.

Developers Rail Against JavaScript ‘Merchants of Complexity’

The rebelling against JavaScript frameworks continues. In the latest Lex Fridman interview, AI app developer Pieter Levels explained that he builds all his apps with vanilla HTML, PHP, a bit of JavaScript via jQuery, and SQLite. No fancy JavaScript frameworks, no modern programming languages, no Wasm.

“I’m seeing a revival now,” said Levels, regarding PHP. “People are getting sick of frameworks. All the JavaScript frameworks are so… what do you call it, like [un]wieldy. It takes so much work to just maintain this code, and then it updates to a new version, you need to change everything. PHP just stays the same and works.”

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