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  • It's a subdirectory that was created on April 2023. Looking inside, it contains a bunch of APKs related to YT Revanced. I kept it there because I can't come up with a better location to move it to. That's basically the same story for almost all of the files that ended up staying in the directory anyways. However, I try to keep try to keep things clean.

    Whenever I visit the downloads directory, I make it a point to try to remember the context in which the files ended up in there. If I can no longer remember the context, I delete it. If there ends up way too many files of "the same class" then I'll try to move them together onto a different location. But if it's a file or two that I can't move elsewhere, it's no big deal.

  • On my phone, it's this which is datestamped 17 February 2012. I think I copied it there off the NAS, and the image is older than that.

  • a picture of me with my siblings at the grand canyon for when they came to visit me when I was working there. Oct 15 2010

  • On my phone right now so using my phone's Downloads folder. 2 years old.

    It's this meme:

  • Lol I just deleted my downloads on my PC, was > 100 GB lol

  • From 2020 a picture of the construction skill icon pre green pixel removal

  • In my downloads folder I have an invoice from 2022. In my utilities folder I actually have old DOS executables from 1985.