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The Kremlin shills demonise the Paris Olympics - EUvsDisinfo The Kremlin shills demonise the Paris Olympics - EUvsDisinfo

The Kremlin disinformation targets the Paris Olympics with homophobic claims and hateful rhetoric to discredit the Games and frame Russia as a victim.

The Kremlin shills demonise the Paris Olympics - EUvsDisinfo


In 2023, the International Olympic Committtee (IOC) withdrew its recognition of the IBA owing to longstanding allegations of corruption. Recently, IBA president Umar Kremlev, a Russian sports official, referred to the president of the IOC, Thomas Bach, as ‘a chief sodomite’. Then, in a shambolic press conference on 5 August, Kremlev pushed pro-Kremlin disinformation narratives about the Games’ opening ceremonies.

The Kremlin has also tried other ways to discredit the Paris games with disinformation narratives. The common denominator was to engage in unashamed mud-slinging. Pro-Kremlin TV host Vladimir Solovyov, for example, attacked the opening ceremony with homophobic slurs, calling the French leadership the ‘faggot movement’