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An Act of Communication - EUvsDisinfo An Act of Communication - EUvsDisinfo

Ukraine's advance in the Kursk region delivers a clear message: the Kremlin's red lines are more fragile than Moscow's manipulative narratives suggest.

An Act of Communication - EUvsDisinfo

Ukraine’s advance in Kursk is not only a striking military move, but also a multi-pronged vehicle for communications.

Such acts serve as an effective counter to the Kremlin’s continued attempts to undermine Ukraine’s sovereignty, spoil its relationships with supporters, and force an unjust peace on the Kremlin’s terms.

Advances also demonstrate to Ukrainian home audiences and supporters alike that Ukraine remains both capable and resolute in its fight. Moreover, these advances cut through the many layers of manipulation and fog of disinformation that the Kremlin has been spreading.

The Kremlin’s lies and weaknesses have been exposed for everyone to witness. As President Zelenskyy put it, ‘Russia brought war to others, now it’s coming home.’