The man the myth the legend
The man the myth the legend
The man the myth the legend
I don't see Scott Sterling!
Yeah! I only see the stay puft marshmallow man.
Maybe he's inside!
Just a few days ago I was watching Antiques Roadshow and learned that the Michelin man apparently has a name: Bibendum.
Can’t imagine why everyone just says “Michelin man”, lol.
Wow how did they come up with that
The slogan Nunc est bibendum ("Now is the time to drink") is taken from Horace's Odes (book I, ode xxxvii, line 1).
Ask him if he knows anywhere good to eat.
I wonder if they also rate gas stations
Imagine if Michelin started restaurants had to put that on the door to welcome the clients.
You might enjoy this fact: in Japan nearly every KFC has a weird statue of Colonel Sanders outside it.
Not as funny as the idea of this bulbous boy outside fine dining establishments, but you're walking through a pedestrian shopping area and all of the sudden see Colonel Sanders holding a giant prawn, both of them wearing Santa hats.
That would be pretty cool, or like in the bathroom
Don’t forget restaurant critic
I wonder how many restaurants he eats at a day
look at these damn gas prices
Honestly that's really good compared to most places around are close to $5
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