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Heroic Warrior v1.4 - Revamped Fighter

In the past few months, I have been working on revamped classes for DnD5e for personal use. This is my revamped Fighter, which I've played in a (still ongoing) campaign for the past few months and had a blast with.

Unfortunately, with DnD 2024 approaching, I see very little incentive in working on this still. I don't even think people will be interested in trying it with the new rules. I don't like DnD 2024 and the 2024 Fighter looks bland and boring to me, so I'll keep playing this one instead, but I don't see myself updating it further in the future unless I find a really broken combo that needs addressing.

So, this is kind of the end, and it's a bit bittersweet to me.

Please, enjoy :)

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  • You made a fantastic effort regardless, and I love the art and presentation in your work!

    Best of luck finding something nice you can make in the 2024 edition!

    • Thank you for the kind words!

      I have no rush to try 2024 atm. I guess I'll see what happens when the current campaign with my group ends. By that time the Monster Manual will surely be out and we'll have a better understanding of how balanced the entire game is.

      Since I'll probably be the DM next time, we'll probably stick to homebrewed 5e. I've been itching for a while to use your playable dragons for a family of BBEG dragons.

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