One of the most frustrating things of dealing with bible people is when the request for proof comes up. They just point at the Bible. Like it’s some text that has deep references to verifiable and cross referenced historical fact. Like Pontious Pilate’s administration leaving records of some guy doing magic on the regular, him getting in fights with rich people, or even just a criminal docket of hanging a magical guy.
Nope. They just point at their book as proof of itself.
i saw a post the other day that was all atheists talking about what they were going to do if project 25 and christian theocracy begins to take over america. it was inspiring. we don't fuck around. ya'll have been warned.
Using the Bible as strict moral code actually makes you a better human being than most people are in my opinion. With that said, some parts (for example the one about homosexuality) are no longer relevant from a theolgical standpoint, so if someone tries to justify their hatred using the Bible it's on them. I don't say everyone should convert to Christianity, but the Bible might just be the greatest compilation of ethical guidelines to ever exist.