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YSK Lemmy.World/Worldnews is ran by Zionist mods who make up lies to ban users critical of israel.

Original comment chain referred in this post

FlyingSquid is a Zionist who actively censors content critical of israel. In the past this was using false claims of anti-semitism but after acquiring mod powers he has started banning anti-israel posters.

After acuiquiring mod powers on /WorldNews FlyingSquid bans me by making up lies about defending the usage of child soldiers which never happened:

After being called out for lying FlyingSquid pretends to act in good faith for a little as if he was just confused that day. Let's see what happens when we play along:

When pointed out the he was lying the crybully instantly paints himself as the victim who is "about to be insulted". FlyingSquid is clearly trying to bait an insult to use as an excuse for a reban:

Despite not being insulted, the crybully still claims he was. The Zionist victim complex is a sight to behold. He now demands to be acknowledged for his abuse of mod powers likely hoping to bait an insult:

After failing to ragebait insults the Zionist crybully "changes is his mind" and starts tacking on random extra conditions as an excuse to reban me. He now starts demanding acknowledgement for how amazing he is for falsely banning people.

At this point it is very obvious FlyingSquid has no intentions to unban me from WorldNews and is just trolling:

As expected the Zionist narrative must be kept in check so FlyingSquid makes up more lies:

  • This doesn't come across as a "Zionist" mod persecuting you for criticisms of Israel, this comes across as a pretty squabble involving two people who should know better, quite honestly.

    People criticize Israel in News & World News all the time; it really depends how you go about it.

    • There is no squabble the mod made up false accusation to permaban me from posting on WorldNews.

      He claimed the Houthi's just blockaded the Red Sea for funsies and israel was totally not the reason. I corrected his lies and said Houthis only blockading the Red Sea because of israel. At which point he banned me because it goes against his Zionist narrative.

      People criticize Israel in News & World News all the time; it really depends how you go about it.

      I said nothing out of line just like in the exchange posted above. FlyingZionist has a very clear agenda of trying to bait insults and when that does not work he just makes up lies to ban people.

  • Wait, so that's the follow up on the first post?

    • I was banned quite a while before the first post. I just didn't care enough to make a post about it until FlyingZionist wanted to flaunt his mod powers yesterday.

  • I dunno, FlyingSquid is pretty openly critical of Israel, and you have a long history of personal attacks and bad takes.

  • As one of the other mods of World News, who has personal connections to people who have lived and been abused under Israeli occupation, even I looked at some of the things you posted and went "Yeah, that goes too far."

    You're obviously passionate on the issue, I get that, but arguing in favor of the Houthis just because they're against Israel is not a good look.

    That is what got you in trouble with Flying Squid, not because they're a Zionist.

    • You forgot to show my comment where I defended that.

      Oh wait it doesn't exist and FlyingZionist lied about it.

      Are you willing to join him in lying about it? You are already vouching for the powertrip he went on yesterday, not a good look.

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