me with skyrim, but ive only beaten the main quest twice, despite having like 12 different characters (10 nords that look like me, 1 khajiit, 1 high elf that looks like me, which is also my latest character)
you should do it just once. make a new character and only do just the main quest quests 🫡 theres some gems
pro tip: choose high elf and bring thalmor robes with you to the thalmor embassy when that quest comes up, instead of sneaking around guards you can just tell them elenwen needs them and theyll leave haha
Ive seen so many people say this over the years. If you explore thoroughly it probably takes about 200 hours to do almost every quest in the game, main and side. Doing main quests nets you some key skills and unique weapons, primarily dragon shouts, one of which I use through most of the game. Last time I played I basically beelined it to High Hrothgar to get that started, and then alternated between main quests and getting the thieves guild stuff going for vendors to hock all the bullshit I pick up along the way. It is admittedly super easy to get distracted along the way, and you of course should choose whatever is fun to you, but there’s definitely good reason to do that main path for a little while.
And I can't see myself to finish it at least once 🙃
I am not saying it is a bad game by any means, I just struggle to finish games in a nutshell lol (also not fun when I leave an RPG game for a long period of time, get back to it rusty and clueless of where I left).
I always do summoner and then near the end I think to myself that I should play melee next time. A year passes. I play a summoner. Near the end I think to myself that I should play melee next time. A year passes...
A mark of a great game is its replayability. I know for some that's difficult because of the knowledge you have afterwards, but it can still be fun to relive things. On the flip side, a not so great game is the one where you never want to go through the struggle and grind again because it frankly wasn't fun.
Some games are challenges that many people feel as completed when they finish it. For me, that would be Portal. The storytelling through the setting was great, but the main focus was the puzzles which aren't as fun the second time through. Portal 2 has a great story that makes it fun to replay, but that doesn't mean Portal was a bad game because it didn't have a story line worth replaying. Plus Portal 2 had the additional custom puzzles that made it worth playing outside of the story itself.
Being an unfun challenge is definitely the sign of a bad game., or at least a bad match for the player. I'm sure there are plenty of people who think Dark Souls/Elden Rings are bad games because of the frustration factor, some only play it once to get the satisfaction of beating it, and there are people who play through it over and over again.
I see myself in that Elden Ring part. I went 100% to prove a point, but was very bored of it for most of my playthrough. I completely understand the appeal, but the gameplay loop doesn't click with me. Every person is different and fun works just as differently for everyone.
I see my addiction to TBS games and can replay them over and over again, no matter how repetitive and have my wife literally fall asleep while playing with me.
I strongly agree with this. There are so many games out there that if you asked someone if they were excited to replay it, they just be confused. Like, what's the point of playing a game that's mostly going from cutscene to cutscene?
I had Freelancer with me on a deployment one year. Running space convoys by night, getting ambushed for my diamonds and stuff, running real convoys by day, getting ambushed for geopolitics.
I truly wonder if it has some QOL changes, or at least better visuals, anyway I have my nostalgia googles for the PS1 version... But it would be interesting... And I dare I'm curious for another game session.
I’m working on my first playthrough of Sekiro right now but I’m kinda stuck. Corrupted Monk just takes so little damage from my attacks I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong.
I haven't played for years, but from what I remember, the posture damage is shit. There are moments where the Corrupted Monk is open after an attack I think. This is the moment to strike.
Edit: it took me back haha, but there are those big attacks where you have a red symbol over your head, you dodge that attack and strike.
Corrupted monk has a lot of health. It helps to use Divine Confetti and maybe Akos Sugar. I rarely deal enough posture damage on him without depleting his health bar.
I think I've either beaten Elden Ring or DS3 the most. I very rarely replay games; I usually finish the story or get 100% completion and then don't play again for years.
But I loved PVP in these and the way you gather items to make builds kinda requires playing through practically the whole game (especially if you want to use an item only dropped by the final boss).
Before these, the only other two games I beat many, many times in a short time span before I got tired of them was Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and Silent Hill 3. And they were all just to get the badass super weapon that they all only gave you after beating the game like 5 or 6 times. Ico's and Shadow's weren't even worth it. That maul in SH3 so is though. I love that thing 😋
I sorta wish this was me sometimes. I have such a huge backlog that I have been committed to dwindling it down, I like seeing my “completed games” list grow, but I have also only replayed like maybe 8 games in the last 10 years.