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Day at night


I want to switch to flowering phase this weekend. Currently it's 5am-11pm but I'm aiming for 8pm-8am.

Should I just have a 27hours day this night until 8am or better not?

  • You can do a 27 hour day, but it won't flower until it gets 12 uninterrupted hours of dark

    • In my post on a german community someone said longer nights are less stressful. Now I'm thinking about 21hrs dark tonight until 8pm, then 12/12 ...

      • 21 hours of darkness would be ideal for more reasons than just that, too (like energy savings and flowering probably two days earlier). I've never heard that longer nights are less stressful, I think you'd be fine either way if it's just one. But 21 hours of darkness is probably the right play in any case.

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