Walz wants to protect trans kids. Has dump even spoken to a kid, apart from the ones in dressing rooms he's trying to fuck? I bet he's barely spoken to barron
I watched some of this press conference. I didn’t see Trump as completely out of it. But he did seem tired. He said the same exact shit but with no energy or conviction.
Trump is committing the cardinal sin of television coverage. He’s boring.
Sure, don. I can see it. It’s like they’re on some sort of trans mission. It’s automatic for them. But as soon as they’re in a clutch, their priorities will shift. they’ll change gears and reverse their position.
I knew people who didn't think that whole thing was fucked up. I asked them if they're just turned on by incest and they started yelling at me but didn't say no. I don't talk to them anymore lol
maybe campaigning for trans people won't be a huge draw, because unlike transphobes most people don't even have trans on the mind... but i think walz's "mind your own damn business" does work. it's such a great line that works for trans rights as well as reproductive rights.
Seriously, I have only met like five trans people in my entire life. None of them have been a burden on me in any way. People should vote on issues that actually affect their own lives.
Picking an arbitrary group to hate has strong short term returns but generally ends up in total disaster and collapse. You'd think history would make this clear.
They're really banking on America really caring about if someone is gay or trans huh. Bold move. The only people who give a shit are the weirdo wannabe christians and fox "news" watchers. I'm more into having a good human in office rather than an old orange racist rapist with 34 felonies and dementia. The republikkklowns have nothing they can do besides attack their opponent and with Harris and Walz, that's a losing strategy. VOTE!!!! Volunteer to give rides to those that couldn't vote without it.
Yes, they're banking on roughly half of American voters. Terrifying, isn't it? E.g., "A majority of respondents to a Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll say gender is determined at birth and support restrictions on health care and sports participation."
Why doesn't the press call him out on his drill and energy lies to his face? We are the world's biggest oil producer. Period. He isn't going to maximize anything.
Even if it was true (it's not, the right wing seems heavily obsessed with lgbtiq people) why the f**k should we care? Lol
I have some trans and many gay friends. It doesn't even get mentioned. They're just people lol. I believe people living on the street or are terminally ill probably have bigger priorities than peoples sexual orientation and preferences
I'm fairly sure kids getting shot at school regularly might be a bit of a bigger issue to most
I guess. I have plenty of single gay and trans friends if they're interested though (they seem to be, and that's ok because my mates are legends).. Strangely enough, they don't seem to discuss this stuff at all unlike the right wing.
Allow me to role play a southern traitor-flag waving sisterfucker for a few moments:
Yew jes' don' get it. Thas why we'r gunna win in 2024 whoo! Drumpf rules!
He's jes' too real fer yew, he speaks what we'r all thinkin' and we ar so gosh darn' tir'd of yew high falutin' city edumacated tranny chil' traffikr's tellin' us to make cakes for y'all and forcin' us all decent folk to be aware of yer very existunc in public like it's normal!! Trannies belon' hidden in our incawgneato mode private browsin' sessions, nawy livin' normal like regyewlar peopal!
Now Ah am DEATHLY afraid of nawt appearin' 'normal', so much that Ah will accep' blindly any demon demuhnstration (haha Satan almost caught me there an made me type 'demon'! Nawt Today Satan!) that some there authority figure performs, without, an Ah stress this as importan', evahluating thee moral value or danger that authority man's (because, nawt like they'd be a WOMAN right!? Haw! Puncin' down is thee most powherful punchin'!) achtions acthchually involve.
So wen mah leedurship picks a target, I durn better make noise loud and clear that I Hatemucate That Target Too Gosh Darn It! I hate it even more than you and that makes me righter and better! I hatemajigger them/it/us twice as loud cause I don' want my righteous brothers findin' out my daughter was born a son and is staying a daughter no matter how many times I beat or humiliate 'em.
Ah don' know the first thing about bayologee or chemistree or fisicks, but Ah DO know that some goatherder 3000 years ago thought gay people icky ahn I don' want Mah communitee thinkin' mah family icky so I'm gonna ignore 80 years of science an' just keep beatin 'em till they're norhmul again.
Man, what would ah do if they tought mah family icky? They'd cast us out! Then what wuld we do? Go to the dirty commie tranny bleedy edumacated people? Heck no, those babykiller/eaters/diddlers would reject US Jus' Leik' We Been Rejectin' Them for all mah laife.
Oh what wer we talkin' about? Yeah Trannies wanna indoctruhnate yer chillren to be enviruhnmentally cohnscious an' respectin' worl' cultchure an' treatin' brown peopul laik nohrmul peopul. We can't be havin' that so that's why Drumpf is right!
I dunno, before the porn ban red states topped the charts for trans porn searches, sounds like a bunch of them are 'heavy' into the transgender world but being repressed by generations of arbitrary moral strictures has caused them to self-reject and encyst this desire into a malignant knot of unresolved hate-fuck obsession.
Basically: We wouldn't have fascism in America right now if 3000 years ago some goatherder high on the local shrooms wasn't homophobic.
Context: for a long time theater was not considered something that women were allowed to do. It was considered a disreputable job. It also tended to attract what we would now consider to be LGBTQ individuals. That part hasn't changed actually all that much as I understand it. But they had up having men play female characters. Which seems weird to me, but then again I'm a product of this century. Well and the last one. Also as a kid I remember seeing a woman playing Peter Pan in theater which is actually fairly common because they have the correct look & sound for playing a "boy who never grew up."
Sure they might have threads accounts but I haven’t seen either of them directly involved with the rest of the fediverse. So I’d hardly say ‘heavy into’
Not a joke post. He uses wokie as an insult a lot. Soros is often brought up. And he always parrots Russian propaganda. Just a regular old bigoted putin lackey, being his usual self.