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TIL, Zelensky was named in the Panama Papers, specifically for laundering money for a funder of Azov

*funder, not founder, or Azov.

  • Dude, with shit like this can we really blame people falling in conspiranoic shit?

    Like the phrase "the CIA was funded by nazis and has played a key role in the 'expansion' of Israel, and the path-to-power and posterior legal immunity of latam dictators famous for kidnapping babies and secretly sterilizing the population" is 100% correct yet it makes any random Qanonite sound sane.

    • I know I sound crazy when I tell people about shit like MK Ultra and other crimes against humanity that the CIA has straight-up admitted to :doomjak:

      • I guess it's because of I'm not a yank, but I find the MKUltra tortures far less concerning that all the funding, training and direction of death squads all around colonized countries to keep them being colonies.