Improbability principle states that the odds are fairly high. Highly unlikely events happen all the time, and as a sum of all the events it becomes a high chance. Among the masses, someone probably watched that episode and someone is going to post about that episode. Both happening together isn't unlikely but highly probable because there are so many individual probabilities combining together due to many actors.
This. teaching kids to pick up their trash and dispose properly, raises kids that understand that the environment can be polluted and we need to be stewards
Ahh yes, its the thrown sandwich wrapper thats the problem not the 2 tonnes of metal and plastics belching pollutants that kill millions and are a massive ci tributir to global warming out the back whike driving down a concrete and asphlat road.
I remember long ago reading something where an enviromentalist who was driving home with a friend along the highway and the friend opined how their enviromwntalist friend must be disappointed with humanity seeing all this litter along the road edge and the environmentalist replied that the litter wasn't the problem, the road was.
I mean, watching a guy in a muscle car throw trash out his car at the intersection near my home, I'm for it. It ain't so much the littering, it's the type of people who litter. Lol
The illustration neglects to show how the mass incarceration and death row system will be set up and function in order for death penalty to be inflicted on those littering. Of course it does, it wouldn't be as pretty otherwise.
Yes, but explicitly applied to corporate entities. If a corp can't handle its waste, it's a threat to mankind and should not operate. Solve the issue or kill the corp.