That image looks fuzzy .... I've been adjusting my TV antennas for the past half hour, used tin foil and attached a couple of metal coat hangers but can't seem to get a clear image ..... I also tried adjusting the TV knob to balance between channels 11/12 but still no good ... but if I turn on the microwave and have someone stand in the hallway facing east, it works great, but they can't see the TV ... oh well.
.... ah crap ... typing this message just made me lose the entire signal!!!!
This just made me realize Tim Curry has never been on Star Trek. We have been wronged, and the situation must be remedied immediately before it is too late.
I see Captain M. as a smooth talking diplomat/glad hander, but Lt. Foxy and Yeoman Nanu do all the paperwork and reject leola shipments from Starfleet Bureau of Supply. Commander Zuko is blitzed all the time on something, but great at navigation/Astrometrics if you leave him alone.