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So apparently Reddit is having a struggle session over the word “female”

Here’s my two cents. It’s hard for people to keep up with the euphemism treadmill. There was a time when the word “female” didn’t have the negative connotation that it does now mostly thanks to co-opting by incels. It should also be stated that the word “male” doesn’t have the same negative connotations and it’s similar to how there’s slurs for black people but none for white people.

So why do people find “female” offensive? Well for starters it’s dehumanizing. Women is a less academic term and female implies some biological essentialism. I think the crux as to why it’s a big deal now is that women do not refer to themselves as females in the manner that men do. Men do not think of themselves as males, they do not call other men males, men call themselves men. male and female are simply outdated terms.

I suspect one day as society moves towards a more genderqueer position men and women will become unacceptable to say too. Idk. Like I think we need to acknowledge that there is such thing as a euphemism treadmill, that languages change, words become offensive or nonoffensive over time, and like all we can do in order to be a fucking decent human bean is to conform to society’s standards as to what is acceptable as according to the treadmill. Unless it’s some shit like calling the homeless, the unhoused. Then in those specific instances we got to run against the treadmill. But in this specific instance, we need to run with the treadmill on this one. Nothing feels better than conforming with society.

  • Pro-tip:

    Never correct a person who refers to women as "females"

    Don't ever teach misogynists how to refine their language and to develop a more socially-acceptable way of concealing their attitudes.

    Let them throw up those red flags immediately so that people can immediately avoid chuds who use this language.

    shit like calling the homeless, the unhoused

    I have a strong preference for "rough sleepers" because there are people who are in temporary housing, that are couch surfing etc. which don't strictly fit into the term homeless but who experience precarious (and typically inadequate) housing and because some people consider places home, such as their cars (sometimes by preference), and devaluing what a person calls home because it doesn't meet my personal definition of a home is kinda shitty whereas acknowledging that their home may be precarious or inadequate without erasing the fact that it's home to them, I think, is preferable.


  • There was a time when the word “female” didn’t have the negative connotation that it does now mostly thanks to co-opting by incels.

    I feel obligated to point out that Ferengi in 90s Star Trek called women "female" and it was supposed to make you understand that they were misogynistic. So it's not really something that started with incels over the last few years.

  • using “female” has been cringe for years outside of biology & certain healthcare settings. unsurprised reddit is still rehashing early 2010’s discourse

  • I appreciate your two cents, but tbh I think it's much simpler. Personally I feel the vibe is the same when people use "male" as well in the same context - that's just quite rare to happen.

    It's because it's weirdly clinical language. It feels weird, you wouldn't describe your mother as a "female", you'd call her a "woman".
    It's detached, sort of dehumanising really.

  • My opinion: people need to chill. and also to understand that English is used by different people in various contexts. Not everybody grasps the subtleties of the language. For instance, if discussing something like "a product highly recommended for our discreet female audience" or stating "no problems have been encountered in the department for female prisoners" is considered appropriate, somebody might feel that writing "To look at a female's behind" (as seen in the original r/therewasanattempt post) is also acceptable. And it's no big deal.

    Also, it's a typical Anglo-Saxon harry potteresque

    magical thinking, and obsession, with language, magic words and formulations. Censoring words just make them stronger. Stop being fucking puritains stupid ameriremoved. Scarlet letters never work. Changing words doesn't change the world, activism about language is just
    slacktivism to feel smug and superior, and ultimately keeping the status quo as it is.

  • The "you sound like a ferengi" insult in response to people saying Feeeeeeeeeeeemale has brought us to this point. It has singlehandedly been a phenomenally effective tool in pushing people into seeing negativity in the word and has done most of the heavy lifting.

  • its not incels my parents did that, and only when talking about women they dont like. Female is just what you say when you cant say bitch. also women do this too, women can also be misogynistic. my mom only called the women she hated at her job females "those females are always gossiping" "females cant get along, they all love drama" but her friends were girls or ladies.