my react frontend crashed with Segmentation faults
my react frontend crashed with Segmentation faults
what do i do in this position ?
my react frontend crashed with Segmentation faults
what do i do in this position ?
Well thats just impressive.
The only thing that I came to the conclusion of was: "not whatever you are doing."
That’s not a segfault, that’s a bus error, which also refers to memory, but it’s a different kind of error, typically occurring when you access a misaligned address or some address which cannot possibly be referenced. Probably a problem with one of the pre-built binaries some npm module ships
rm -rf node_modules
early, rm -rf node_modules
often. And if that doesn't work, quit your job and pick up a trade, like plumbing, or joinery.
I had this issue with sveltekit trying the host option of vite running with bun.
The solution was to re-do the lock files.
You have to delete them and the node_modules folder.
Then you can npm install.
I am mostly a backend dev and I brushed up on my front end skills a <2 years ago since I had fallen behind and things looked like they were stabilizing. I learnt Vue and React, and used them in some personal projects. The job I got after adding these skills to my resume is at a company that still uses an ancient version of angular, but IDC either way since I rarely do front end.
Now, what in god's name are sveltekit, vite and bun? Actually, no, don't answer that, I can Google it. But please let me know if they are stable stuff that I should bother learning or if I can just wait for another year or two till everyone else figures out what is needed.
Sveltekit is the fullstack/SSR version of svelte (like next is for react or nuxt is for vue). I reckon learning one of them might be helpful to learn component-based SSR and its benefits, personally I do think they have a firm place in the future of webapps.
Vite I can highly recommend, it's the best, fastest and least fussy bundler/builder I have ever used hands down (having used webpack briefly and packer for a while). Has some great features and is less of a pain to configure and get to work in my experience.
Do the tests run? What was the last change you made before it started crashing?
fresh new project so no git history .i just copy pasted few configuration files (from my personal boilerplate.) and install all the node modules.i'm guessing some package was missing or something.
I may have found the person behind a Tomcat server I had to troubleshoot. It would stop running when a different JVM threw an OutOfMemoryException
Reprogram in vanilla js html and css - > No dev server. No problem.