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  • I love many of your posts here, especially the ones with a biological future technology and integrated ecology. I've been trying to imagine what a multistory building with framing, walls, and floors grown from a genetically modified banyan tree would look like within a futuristic setting without looking like a treehouse fit for Peter Pan and the Lost Boys.

    Also, I wonder what it would look like if an O'Neill cylinder maintained all life in balance with all respective elemental cycles within the habitat; where industrial production for maintenance and expansion happens external to the living ecosystem. I imagine a colony where the central hub of the main cylinder habitat is the hull of the original colony generation ship. So there would be this dichotomy of industrially produced but somewhat ancient technology in the hub and a vibrant organic life down below. If you happen to see anything like that or tangentially related and feel like posting, please do. I'll add it with tags to my slowly building collection of LoRA training imagery for AI.

    Thanks for posting.