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RAND on the benefits and limitations of the F-16 for Ukraine What F-16s Will (and Won't) Do for Ukraine

After months of publicly lobbying to acquire U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets, it appears that Ukraine may receive them later this year. However, there remains a long road ahead before the F-16s would see service in Ukraine—and it is an open question how much they would affect the outcome of the war.

What F-16s Will (and Won't) Do for Ukraine

A few months old now, but it was news to me. Basically, the F-16 will allow Ukraine to keep doing the same thing they are now, but are just as limited for the purpose of providing support on the front lines.

If Ukraine doesn't manage to breach Russian fortifications in this offensive, the West will have to find a different way of giving them an edge, if we want to avoid a war of pure attrition.