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Europe I_CAST_BEAM_OF_BATS_I_CAST_BOLT_OF_BATS [none/use name]

Is it legal in your country to say that it would be funny if a politician was devoured by a pack of wolves or do the police come your house if you post that under your real name

  • I dunno but I assume not after the number of times I've emailed MPs telling them to kill themselves.

    • See this is what I want to get a read on, because they're also having cops visit people over inane comments. Are you using name and return address lmao?

      • Yeah, full contact details in the signature. They never reply, the cowards.

        To give a more helpful answer to your question, I suspect the distinction comes in volume, disruption, and actionability - my emails are nothings, just some random citizen venting anger. If I were sending huge volumes to a specific MP rather than one every few months to the villain of the week, they'd probably come down on me for harassment. If I was a known extremist actor like some of the people I organise with (all ALF) or included details indicating I had an actionable plan to harm them, they'd probably treat it as a serious threat.

        On the other hand, my parents were communist organisers during the second half of the cold war, so they get cops turning up at the door if they even hint at planning a protest or demonstration on social media.