🤔bad takes machine is unstoppable
🤔bad takes machine is unstoppable
🤔bad takes machine is unstoppable
Starship troopers is not fascist. It’s an allegory for we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
It's funny how these crypto fascists try to play coy about this.
"Heh how can it be fascist if I agree with it, I'm a 'classical liberal/conservative/libertarian' not a fascist. In fact the left are the real fascists :smuglord: "
These fucks do this with everything.
"A Godless communist could never understand true patriotism and loyalty to your nation" is something a fascist would say.
"communists could never be social chauvinists"
fuck I wish that were true
Using fascist language to deflect accusations of fascism.
i don't care what age you are, if you un-ironically say goddamned communist you've reached peak boomer
Boomer is not an age, but a state of mind
Brianna Wu trying to be a pick me for fascists
Just gonna turn this dial labeled "Media Literacy" all the way down and see what happens.
sniff... sniff sniff
Is that gas? Shit.. somebody turned of the pilot light on the stove again. OPEN THE WINDOW OPEN THE WINDOW!
She’s either dumb as rocks or trying so incredibly hard to get on the payroll of some ghoulish think-tank or both. It’s all so engagement baity my money is on the think-tank.
she's a career grifter, in it for the long haul. for a while she was doing okay as an SJW, even though literally the only thing she did was tweet and get harassed, but i guess the market for that is starting to get oversaturated.
I've literally seen a few clips of the starship troopers movie and the satire is incredibly obvious. Is media literacy really that bad now?
The movie is different from the book tho. The movie is practically a parody of a war movie that makes fun of Earth's hyper-militaristic and fascist government. The aliens are insect like and more savage and are just defending themselves against some stupid humans.
In the book, the aliens are much more humanoid and are a rival hypermilitaristic empire that is fighting against the humans, who are also hypermilitaristic, but good, because the creator was a fascist weirdo. There is also a second faction of aliens in the books who switch sides to help the humans after their capital is bombed.
I saw it for the first time during the Bush admin and it wasn't clear to me that it was satire. More like "I hope this is satire."
That was pretty much everyone from 1997 to 2007. It wasn't until long after it's release thatpeopl generally learned it was satire. Which says pretty much everything about America in the90s because looking back it's so obvious that it's painful.
Most people do know it was satire (as you said it's really obvious) but yeah, every few days in entirely unrelated place i read some dumbass that don't get it and love it, so there must be quite a lot of them.
We just had Hulk Hogan unironically mime Idiocracy at the Republican national convention.
Whenever you wonder, "can republicans really be this dumb?" Just expect the answer to go even lower.
So yes, of course, Starship Troopers is about society loyally defending itself from Gutians to these people.
"Future middle class office manager enlists in the military for a chance of hooking up with a high school hottie but can't score high enough to be a pilot and gets stuck in mobile infantry."
That's the backstory of Rico, by the way.
I'm not right-wing, I just don't understand what allegories and words mean
Can someone please explain who she is and why I keep seeing her all over this place?
This is a partial answer, with possibly some misinformation. Should I just shut my mouth and hope that someone who actually knows what's happening will answer you? Yes. Yes I should. But I'm a bit drunk, so you're just going to have to read my incomplete (and possibly wrong) explanation.
Brianna Wu got famous from gamergate. She got harassed by gamers. I don't remember what for, possibly they thought she slept with someone for good reviews on a game? That or she criticized a game that maybe an ex had worked on. Shit, I dunno, I'm actually absolutely making stuff up. Well, I've come this far, let's keep going! TERFs are certain she's trans, I'm not certain she's trans, but maybe she is? I'm unsure. Not that it matters, she was a woman that gamergate targeted, of that I am certain. She's now just the most annoying lib of all time, but keeps trying to draw on progressive cred from being harassed by gamers during the gamergate era. I suspect she's going to do a "why I left the left" situation, but maybe you don't even have to do that to be a grifter these days.
Long story short, she was harassed during gamergate, she's extremely, unfortunately lib, and it's better if you pay no attention to her twitter takes.
I don't remember what for, possibly they thought she slept with someone for good reviews on a game?
That was Zoe Quinn, who was the #1 target for GmerGate harassment. Wu also got harassed, which makes it hilarious to me if she's now trying to garner favor from fascists, to them she'll always be an SJW who tried to fck with g*mers.
Haha, perfect explanation, thanks!
She used to be adjacent to weird left twitter back when there was a weird left twitter.
Media anti-analysis levels:
She must identify the fascist society of Starship troopers with Israel and then work backwards to justify how that's good and not how Zionism is obviously evil.
::: spoiler spoiler
:::Startrip Stoopers the book? In which space marine radar makes people look like aliens but nothing can disguise the sizzle of burning flesh?? In which the protagonist realizes the smell of bacon is coming from the tunnel full of refugees he just firebombed but keeps his mouth shut??
That piece of unironic facist literature? Yall have some rereading to do.
"Goddamned communist"
How many primary victims of Gamergate eventually go to join their side?
Afaik Sareeksian is still cool.
Starship troopers was a fascist society where most everybody in the society was cool with it. Like, the basic structure of society is never really questioned much, and for that I find it hard to really call starship troopers particularly fascist in its messaging. The main character isn't fulfilled by becoming a jump marine or an officer, he does both of those things with essentially zero self-reflection. The book makes it a point to show that he makes these big decisions on a whim and doesn't consider them to be particularly consequential. It's essentially a book about a guy that's a part of the machine and isn't particularly bothered by it one way or the other.
Riiiiight at the end we get a tiny bit of "oorah" when his dad shows up, and even then it's mostly just like "nice, welcome to the club, Dad."
Remember, everyone told him signing up for service was a dumb idea, and everyone in the service told him trying to become infantry was a dumb idea. His experiences don't exactly prove them wrong.
Remember, everyone told him signing up for service was a dumb idea, and everyone in the service told him trying to become infantry was a dumb idea. His experiences don't exactly prove them wrong.
In the movie when everyone is signing up and the triple amputee recruiter says "the infantry made me the man I am today!" is literally all you need to know
Heinlein's an extremely weird author overall and had very strange, contradictory views on basically everything. Like Starship Troopers is this incredibly idealist projection of 1950s America as a future globe-spanning state that "works" because of the disenfranchisement of anyone who "just doesn't care enough about the nation to serve it" and has no thought for the culture or economics of that state because it's all just vibes based background fluff for Heinlein to poorly philosophize about duty, strategy, and governance, putting forward this ideal elite volunteer superman soldier as superior to unreliable conscripts, praising the idea of strategic terror bombing to demoralize enemy civilians, and to parrot the all-too-common elitist idea that franchise should be restricted to a class of proven reliable and dedicated citizens rather than the whole population.
It's basically this vibes based "utopian fascism" idealist shit that's completely and utterly empty - it's how a fashy sci-fi author writing in the 50s imagined a pretty neat society that he'd like to think about some more.
He even later commented on the politics of the book, disavowing it as "a thought experiment" that he decided he didn't really like after all, before going on a libertarian-brained rant about how franchise should be locked behind a $1000 pricetag per vote instead.
Funny thing about the "enfranchisement of the human population through military service" is that Heinlein forgot to write in a bunch of enfranchised veterans. There's a fair amount of unenfranchised civilians and a whole bunch of unenfranchsied active military (cause you aren't franchised until after you've been honorably discharged from the military) and only like one enfranchised civilian... Rico's teacher from the beginning of the book.
I came away thinking, "Oh, there are so few people who can vote/run for office because the assumption is that most of the people trying to earn the right to be a part of the political process died in the intergalatic forever wars."
Heinlein couldn't help himself though and had to really epically DEMOLISH Marx
He had been droning along about “value,” comparing the Marxist theory with the orthodox “use” theory. Mr. Dubois had said, “Of course, the Marxian definition of value is ridiculous. All the work one cares to add will not turn a mud pie into an apple tart; it remains a mud pie, value zero. By corollary, unskillful work can easily subtract value; an untalented cook can turn wholesome dough and fresh green apples, valuable already, into an inedible mess, value zero. Conversely, a great chef can fashion of those same materials a confection of greater value than a commonplace apple tart, with no more effort than an ordinary cook uses to prepare an ordinary sweet.
“These kitchen illustrations demolish the Marxian theory of value—the fallacy from which the entire magnificent fraud of communism derives—and illustrate the truth of the common-sense definition as measured in terms of use.”
So he's at least making the political alignment of his future earth much clearer with this.
Conversely, a great chef can fashion of those same materials a confection of greater value than a commonplace apple tart, with no more effort than an ordinary cook uses to prepare an ordinary sweet.
does this just completely contradict the point the character (and author) are trying to make or am i too stoned to read?
Death to America
I love how every single anti-communist who rants about Marx "not getting it" will use examples that Marx specifically addressed in volume 1 of Capital.
Riiiiight at the end we get a tiny bit of "oorah" when his dad shows up, and even then it's mostly just like "nice, welcome to the club, Dad."
Remember, everyone told him signing up for service was a dumb idea, and everyone in the service told him trying to become infantry was a dumb idea. His experiences don't exactly prove them wrong.
This is all within the context of the whole movie we've been watching up to this point being an in universe propaganda film
His family and everyone around him only were against him joining so him joining could be framed as rebellious within the propaganda
I haven't watched that movie, though I'll get to it someday. I'm talking about the book, which is what I thought the OP post was about.
I'm late to the party, but I wanted to remind everybody that The Forever War exists, with explicitly gay
and trans characters, to which Heinlein said, "may be the best future war story I've ever read!"Go suck it, Brianna. What a disappointment you turned out to be.
Heinlein also wrote Stranger in a Strange Land which is about a bunch of hippies living together in a commune fighting against an oppressive state and wining.
I think calling Starship Troopers "fascist source material" is a bit reductive. Heinlein was exploring some ideas, not trying to make an argument for ideals. He had some issues, definitely, but just pointing to it and saying 'fascist!' ignores a TON of context.