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What anime world would you rather not live in?

your a side charatcer in a bad/hard anime but you dont want to be in it, what anime would that be and what would you do? also you have all you knowlege of the anime you have watched.

  • I wouldn't want to live in the Dragonball Z world.

    Every time they fight the villain and destroy the world then use the dragon balls to wish everyone back to life would infuriate me to no end when they could have just wished the bad guy to stop existing/never existed/wasn't fucking evil and not have anyone die in the first place.

    "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, GOKU! I'm so tired of dying every few months because you gotta fight some motherfucker! You know it hurts right? You've fucking died. You know!"

  • Definitely would not want to live in Berserk. That's probably the most popular anime would I don't want to live in.

  • Plenty! Apart from the obvious horror stuff like Berserk, worlds where humans face constant threats of extinction by herculean threats like Evangelion or AoT (on Paradis, at least), or "society is gone" endtime settings like Dr. Stone, one that comes to my mind especially is Psycho Pass. I'd rather not spend life in an Orwellian dystopia, thanks.

    On a side note: I think the world of Dragon Ball wouldn't be half bad actually. Highly advanced technology, a diverse society (a dog for a king! Need I say more?) and the guarantee that an afterlife exists. Not to mention that on the off chance a villain kills a bunch of people again, they'll be wished back to life by the heroes once they've inevitably won.

    • you gotta be careful with the afterlife though, only heros make it past judgement iirc most get turned away for aimless wander or whatever it was

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion and Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (cos they're the two I've watched recently)

    Giant abominations from space are coming to try and end the world, :::spoiler End of Evangelion spoilers
    which ends up happening inevitably
    , or a world at war with a forest full of giant bugs slowly spreading and poisoning the land

  • psycho pass. my anxiety will immediately get me flagged as a deadly criminal and get me killed before committing any crime.

  • So I tried watching Redo of Healer solely based on someone saying it was too disturbing to watch. As someone who doesn't normally enjoy any anime someone would describe that way, I still felt compelled to take the challenge.

    The only thing I have previously watched that I'd call truly disturbing was Gantz - and that was awful, but still had a sort of "can't look away" vibe. (But once was enough.)

    I made it a couple episodes into Redo of Healer and I'm not sure I can go on. The very first episode more or less shows you what happens to side characters (and sometimes main characters) in this world, and it's just chilling in the malevolence on display from the group in power. The protagonist is on a revenge arc, but despite what was done to him, he's immediately just as bad or worse than his tormentors were, so he's impossible to root for, and the story is centered around him.

    I'm not at all certain I'll be finishing it, and nothing I've watched would be as awful for a side character. I'd rather be a common villager in Attack on Titan than any character at all, especially a side character, in Redo of Healer.

  • AoT's world is a hard pass for me. That also means I wouldn't want to go back in time and live during the world wars.