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Who's Up To Chat?

The solitude in my life kinda feels a bit less bearable today after being drained at work. Who's up to chat?

  • whats up

    hows florida

  • I can chat off and on for a bit. These figurines have some downtown between glue drying.

  • Anything in particular you want to chat about but haven't had the opportunity to talk to people about?

  • Howdy, do you like chickens?

    • They're cool. I remember I once binged a bunch of YouTube videos of chicken behavior just to see how they act. I'm especially fond of the barred coloring on some of them. It's always caught my attention.

      • I also watched a bunch of videos of chickens! It wasn't really to understand them (though I did learn a lot), but I had a friend who moved out to a different state (they're back here now!) and they loved to send me videos of their chickens.

        The worst things about chickens is their lifespan. It's 10 if you're real lucky, but most chickens get killed for meat long before that. Makes connecting with them hard.

  • Chayim to Stalin! Anything new in Florida to Cali?

  • i would chat on discord, i'm a transfemme with some nerdy interests, but it's mostly fringe shit like esoteric religion, religious studies more broadly, language, and stuff most people, even weirdos, find uninteresting, but it's crack to my autism so vOv

    • I would be down to chat about religion and religious studies stuff too! I miss that about reddit, to be honest, I used to spend a lot of time on r/AcademicBiblical. It's a very old and persistent interest of mine and was part of my studies in university. My main interest are usually Jewish and Christian religions because I know them best, and connect to them personally, but I'm interested in and studied many others. Always happy to chat about it. It's nice to find comrades that are open to and interested in religion.

      I don't use Discord though.

      • I love the history aspect of religion especially. The founders of some of these religious traditions are fascinating when you try to look closely at what the lives of these mortals were like who's ideas have won the adherence of billions today. How can I relate to and reflect on the contexts that these people lived through hundreds of years ago? The quest for the historical Jesus and Muhammad are two topics that especially fit her, though there are probably others who are interested in the lives of figures like the historical Buddha.

    • Any interest in eastern religion? I think Shinto is interesting and is a land of contrasts.

      • I've been dipping my toes - I recently got a copy of the Tao Te Ching and, given that it's poetry, has been joyous to read. I've also been learning how to meditate and practice mindfulness via some Buddhist content creators, as well as some literature from the late Thich Nhat Hanh, whose books, "The Miracle of Mindfulness", and "No Mud, No Lotus" affected me deeply.

        The thing about meditation for me has been that it lets me step outside the storm of my own mind - I begin to step out of my thoughts, they become vivid hallucinations - the things that I experience as thoughts when I'm not meditating take on visual and auditory form - even hearing a fractional moment of it used to jar me out of my meditative trance, but lately i've been able to stay detached, and it becomes a window into my own internal processes.

        I've been slowly reading from an English translation of the Quran, and at first i had a difficult time dealing with its accusatory tone and rampant misogyny, but I began to kind of understand the deeper points of its parables and the purpose of its structure, and it has begun to affect me as well.

        I am not overly familiar with Shinto outside of a few bullet points on its cosmology, and the broadest overview of the belief structure and metaphysics. I feel pretty ignorant of the religious landscape of Japan more generally, and my understanding of 'eastern' religion outside of a narrow buddhist and taoist context is nil

    • That's a cool thing to be interested in. I've always found looking at a religion's history to be fascinating. Just seeing how it changes over time is cool to look at. Plus stuff like trying to reconstruct the life of the founders using historical-critical criteria. So far, this has just been restricted to the Abrahamic religions for me.

      • I've had religious experiences and I'm into the technical aspects of mystic traditions, things like divination - especially approaches that are complex and syatematic - looking for an understanding of these subjective experiences in my past and present, it has been humbling to let my guard down and approach these subjects without the biases and hostility most people approach them with, while also avoiding apologetics and polemics, and generally i am disinterested in material analysis - the confluence of religion and power is almost over explored and given far too much weight by most leftists for example, and i find those approaches boring at best and actively harmful at worst.

        There is so much going on in esoteric philosophy that gets ignored because protestants and enlightenment philosophers hated mysticism so every philosophical tradition in their shadow inherits that hostility to its detriment - there are fascinating and brilliant things to be found and I really wish esotericism could have more mainstream penetration than it does

  • Me, I guess? What do you want to talk about?

    First episode of my deer friend nokotan just dropped today, I intend to get around to watching it eventually.

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