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List Open Source Alternatives to Proprietary Software Open Source Alternatives to Proprietary Software

Discover 400+ popular open source alternatives to proprietary SaaS.

A good site that helps me find great alternatives to non-oss that I have grown accustomed to.

  • Pretty neat. I just don't see how OBS is an alternative to Adobe Premiere

  • Pretty rough around the edges, just did a quick scroll down and noticed several odd choices. Looks like this is mostly built via scraping or by someone who doesn't really know what some of these projects are.

    • Home Assistant is just called 'core' because that's the name of the main repo on github.
    • Mastadon is listed primarily as a facebook alternative.
    • Agreed, but for me it was still quite helpful to find some alternatives. Do you know of a better portal?

  • try this alternateto.

  • GIMP

    Open Source Alternative to Photoshop

    oh god no

    • In a professional setting, GIMP is shit compared to Photoshop. For 95% of normal users, it's more powerful and full featured than you'll ever need.

      • I'm one of those 95%, and I can tell you that the problem isn't its lack of features as much as its overly complicated UI. Last time I gave it a try, basic tasks that take me a few clicks to do in Photoshop becomes weirdly difficult in GIMP.

        You want to draw a circle? Use the ellipse select tool and 7 more steps I don't remember. You want to adjust your stroked text a little bit? You need to do the path thing from the start again.

        People also love to defend it saying that I'm just "too used to Photoshop" but no, when I started using Photoshop, it wasn't anywhere as complicated as GIMP. It's a good thing we have Krita and Photopea (although the latter is not FOSS, only free as in free beer).

        If you like using GIMP, then good for you. For me though, it just isn't a viable alternative if I want to get things done, even if all the features are there. :)

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