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How to merge multiple writeShellApplication into a single package?

I need to generate a number of scripts in my configuration and make them into a single package (for ease of reference, because there are a lot of them).

So far, I'm creating the scripts via writeShellApplication, making them into packages via an overlay, merging them with buildEnv and then adding the resulting package to `systemPackages.

Something like:

nixpkgs.overlays = [ (final: prev: {
  my-hello-1 = final.writeShellApplication {
    name = "my-hello-1-script";
    text = "echo my hello wolrd 1";
  my-hello-2 = final.writeShellApplication {
    name = "my-hello-2-script";
    text = "echo my hello wolrd 1";
  my-hello-scripts = final.buildEnv {
    name = "my-hello-scripts";
    paths = [ ];
}) ];

environment.systemPackages = [ ];

This works, but I don't really need the my-hello-1 and my-hello-2 packages... can you think of a way to make do without needing them?