I mean sure, someone needs to make a decent Left 4 Dead 3, yeah. But that should not be Resident Evil, especially considering how mediocre the action-centric titles were in hindsight (they were good for their time though, granted).
To be fair, Resident Evil has been action oriented since the original Resident Evil 2. The developers themselves literally said they wanted the series to be more similar to Hollywood action movies.
The remakes are fun but I’m with the other commenter saying that I’d rather see Left for Dead 3 get made by a different company and not have to sacrifice a good horror game for a mediocre class based shooter.
There are tons of games with different classes and play styles. Resident Evil those are not.
I'm not sure whether you're kidding, but I wouldn't complain either.
Five and six are not good games, but played in co-op, slightly drunk, they are a riot of cringe, ridiculousness and camp.
We laughed our asses off in the Ada story sections where the second player constantly pops into existence as a faceless "agent" because Ada doesn't normally have a companion, but they had to make her sections somehow playable in co-op.
I’m kind of okay with them going whichever way they have creative ideas. Even RE’s action design has been really fun except when they tried to “streamline” it in RE6.