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The worst wedding you've ever been ?

Personally, this one:

-The newlyweds had theoretically been together for 5 years but saw each other so little that they were almost strangers to each other.
-The bridegroom discovered only belatedly that the one he was going to marry was a spoiled child submissive to her mother.
-The groom wanted children and the bride said she would think about it, but still hadn't made up her mind on the wedding day.
-Everyone was originally supposed to sleep at a friend's house, who suddenly put the dishes in the big ones, but the mother of the bride decided on a whim that no, her daughter would not sleep in said house, although obviously without notifying the owners.
-3 people (the bride, her mother and a guest) ended up spending the night in the village hall. The mother slept glued to her daughter and the guest had to stay awake all night for lack of a place to lie down.
-During the feast, the guests were of different origins and gathered in homogeneous ethnic groups who stared at one another.
-The DJ only played Senegalese music, which obviously only appealed to guests of Senegalese origin.
-The mother of the bride has a disconcertingly fragile ego, preferring to refuse to answer a question rather than admit that she does not know.

  • It was an old co-workers wedding. I knew he was religious but didn't know how far that rabbit hole goes. The whole ceremony was centered around breeding children to join God's army, all while the bride's dad was standing there holding her by the shoulders until finally he gave "control of her to you (husband)". It was fucked up and we didn't bother going to the reception.

    • Wow. Good call on not going to the reception. You might have been kidnapped and brainwashed, and who knows what would have been in the punch.

  • I haven't been to many weddings but the worst had all the generic wedding games and songs, absolutely no personality, maid of honor's and bestman's attempt at hosting the reception was super awkward and the drinks were so expensive

  • The dude was my wife's best friend's brother he moved here from Europe a couple years before. He didn't have a lot of friends so I said yes to being his best man. I knew him, but not that well. The couple turned out to be bridezilla/groomzilla. Just horrible people. I helped with some of the planning and they were fine with me but they treated everyone like shit and were the most entitled people I've ever met. Even the guys sister was shocked. The wedding wasn't bad but I hated being there. I left after my bullshit speech along with a bunch of others that couldn't stomach it anymore. I haven't talked to him since. His sister stopped talking to him not long after and apparently his parents can't stand him and his wife either.

  • It was at a county fair grounds, friend of my significant other so I didn't really know them. They had the ceremony in the arena where they show animals for judging during the fair. The brides dress and train got covered in dirt and sawdust. We all had to sit on bleachers, it was unfortunate and hot outside. They said some cheesy things to each other. Thought I was going to die of second hand embarrassment.

    Reception was inside, no DJ, just a poorly chosen song mix. The meal was like a pot luck from the families. A few people ended up with food poisoning. I hardly ate anything and we left after an hour. I heard there was some trailer trash style drama between friends of the bride and friends if the groom after I left. This was 10 years ago, they're still together. It does seem happily but again, I don't know them well.

  • Just thought of a second one. Former best friend now just regular friend. Cheated on everyone they've been with with this dude. Dude has no job, no license, not good looking, leach on society type. Finally their relationships goes south and in comes my friend to rescue him. After a month they announce there engaged, 2 weeks later the wedding.

    Wedding is in their apartment living room. Dude proceeds to get trashed and announce to anyone who will listen that he basically is going to use my friend, never planning on getting a license or a job, no goals, just wants to stay home and do nothing for the rest of his life. Keeps calling my friend by their exes name, can't remember the vows, passes out drunk about an hour after the ceremony. Most cringe thing ever.

    Friend tells anyone who will listen how happy they are to finally be with "the one that got away." All while their life is going down hill fast.

    So not just a bad wedding but a bad relationship. The wedding was so ungodly cringe.

  • And I thought my wedding was bad...

  • My godmother's oldest daughter had a very specific idea of what her wedding needed to be, and what it needed to cost (obviously, a lot). But she was also cheap. So I go for the tux fitting because she decided I'm going to be in the groom's wedding party. The tux felt like it was made of cardboard, the pink pocket square and tie looked like a pretty pink that had been sun faded and looked TERRIBLE. The shoes were ugly and uncomfortable. His kids are also part of both wedding parties. His kids were little monsters, and she decided that the wedding parties were going to do a choreographed number courtesy of his oldest daughter.

    If you want dancers, pay for dancers. Instead, she lost her shit because we "didn't put enough effort in" to the half-assed, last minute dance. The food was meh, the ceremony was far too long and stodgy, and the bride and groom didn't spend any time with anyone (thank god). They were divorced within two years. It went about as I expected.

    On the other hand, my stepsister's wedding was held outdoors in the summer heat. They had a gorgeous, 15 minute ceremony done by one of their friends who was witty and funny. After that, we all went inside out of the heat into the air conditioned hall and everyone hung out and had a great time. The couple mingled with everyone despite being very in demand. None of it looked expensive, but was all tasteful. The food was good and the DJ was awesome. They are, unfortunately, also divorced, but lasted much longer because they knew what they wanted, didn't have pretense, and knew each other well.

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