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A question on Eldrig the Old (Skyfire, Bard epic 1.0)

I'm working on the bard epic 1.0, and I am on the part in Skyfire where I need to spawn and kill Eldrig the Old.

I've read up on Allakhzam, and the accepted ways to do this are to either 1) Have two friends stand at certain spawn points while I high sun the mobs back to their spawns to find the right spawn cycle, or 2) Have five friends join me while I get an instance of Skyfire, and then just drop it if Eldrig the Old isn't up, and get a new instance until I find him up.

My question is, is there any decent, reliable way that anyone has found for a solo bard to do this? I pretty well have only been working on the epic when my friends can't play. Otherwise, I'm grouping with them doing higher level stuff. Is the best method for doing this solo to just kill everything that moves and keep watching track with fingers crossed? Or is there a better way?