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🧬 Bevy Replicon 0.27.0-rc.3 is out! GitHub - projectharmonia/bevy_replicon: Server-authoritative networking crate for the Bevy game engine.

Server-authoritative networking crate for the Bevy game engine. - projectharmonia/bevy_replicon

GitHub - projectharmonia/bevy_replicon: Server-authoritative networking crate for the Bevy game engine.

It’s a crate for server-authoritative networking.

We usually don't make breaking changes when a Bevy release is around the corner, but decided to make a small exception for this one :)

This release adds support for Bevy 0.14.0-rc.4 and splits the crate functionality by features. For example, for headless server you can disable client feature. By default all features, except diagnostics are enabled, so you have the same set of plugins as before. But most plugin authors will need to add default-features = false.

πŸ“œFull changelog πŸ“¦bevy_replicon