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SOS - Save Our Scarecrow SOS | Scarecrow Video

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SOS | Scarecrow Video
  • @pruwybn Already planning that my next date night, we're going to go to Scarecrow and each find a movie we've never seen, or ideally even heard of, and rent it based solely on the cover. Given the size of their collection, I think the hardest part will be picking only one thing at a time.

  • Oh snap, just moved up here. This is awesome!

  • Maybe not enough people around the city know about Scarecrow, and what an amazing archive it is. Scarecrow is where you can go when the movie you're looking for isn't streaming, isn't available anywhere else. Access to the history of the movies is what they offer, with maybe more movies in their collection than not.

    It's not frickin' Blockbuster, it's important. Anyone who loves movies and has some money should pitch in. SIFF should pitch in; they'd be a good match.