How was this a surprise?
How was this a surprise?
How was this a surprise?
Give me a statistic you believe credible. Name even a single measurement.
Definitely an astroturfer trying to convince people things aren’t as bad as they are.
No, sorry I have a habit of not repeating anything to the illiterate. It's not my job to teach you how to read, that was your parents - what a shit job, btw.
Learn from this folks. This is how you out the bad actors. When they try to dismiss any measurement that doesn’t fit their narrative, ask them for a measurement they would accept. Or ask them for a source they would accept. Etc.
They’ll never commit to any, because their job is to muddy the waters. They don’t want to come to an understanding. They don’t want anyone to seek the truth. They will never commit to any source or statistic being reliable, because then you can use it to prove them wrong, and their opposition stance will be completely outed as manufactured.
I have literally detailed how the metrics you conveniently pivoted away from were measured.
Learn from this folks. This person should have never been taught how to use words.
Edit: If you stay out in the sun you're going to turn into a statue, I'd suggest you get back in your cave.
I didn’t pivot. You said they didn’t work. I said ok, you choose which measurements to use. You refuse to commit to any, because there’s absolutely no data to support your claim.
I’m the only one here that has offered anything.
🤣🤣🤣 The shit you offer is TokTok brain rot based on bad data.
You haven't offered anything, I've had to fucking detail your datapoints for you.
In other words: you're stupid, and the fact that you're allowed to communicate is an insult to people everywhere.
See, folks? Absolute refusal to offer a single data point of their own. Refusal to agree to any form of debate that could lead to them being proven wrong.
Not that it’s the astroturfers fault. They’re literally trained to do it this way.
Brandoloni's law, I'm not getting paid to give you a history lesson. You made claims that were just wrong, it's not my job to give you your argument you fucking child 🤣
Then I win the argument. I backed up my claim. You didn’t.
You are genuinely fucking stupid.