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How do you people maintain your sanity in the imperialist core?

Hi. I'm alienated, living in the imperialist core, I have no political representation, and none of my friends are communists. Except from this website I feel extremely isolated. How are the rest of you faring?


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  • I go to a therapist and talk about everything but the rising nihilism i fear will actually kill me because she doesn't understand how capitalism is a mindless thrashing beast busy sucking the bones of all things joyful

    I need a commie therapist ha haha. Ha haha

    Ha haha

    • in my experience if my therapist isn't a materialist it won't work. they don't have to be a communist necessarily but if I get the idealist vibes I may as well be talking to a Catholic.

      • I've sent out lil probes to see if she's alright... And at least she's no Bide or die lib. I'm suspicious or perhaps simply baselessly afraid that she'll end up giving me some lib platitudes and then i would really show her crazy

        • i will more or less bring up communism a couple sessions in to test therapists. my last one didn't work out as her response was to bring up greed being human nature. like, if we see the world in such fundamentally different ways you can't help me.

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