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German citizenship: Applicants must support Israel’s right to exist
  • So far it's only in Saxony-Anhalts citizenship questionnaire for what that's worth

  • The FBI loses their shit over the Russian Admin of Z-Library taking a vacation
  • Berries in their gruel? The underclass is too comfortable porky-point

  • The FBI loses their shit over the Russian Admin of Z-Library taking a vacation
  • Am i supposed to be angered at these pics of z's "luxurious" lifestyle?

    These are middle class aspirations at best. show me just one of the houses of these copyright holders.

    Hate! Haaaaaate! peppino-angry

  • Again I circle back to the humane option for dealing with chuds is putting them in pleasure cubes they can never escape from.
  • Its quite cool! Maybe a bit too sweet but i eat that up sooo

    when there is trap...'ll get it.

  • Again I circle back to the humane option for dealing with chuds is putting them in pleasure cubes they can never escape from.
  • Wristcutters

    Great movie. The soundtrack, the humor, [redacted] as a hippy commune leader haha! Not to mention other surprise actor [redacted]. Thanks for reminding me of a favorite.

  • Four Missouri healthcare workers develop symptoms after bird flu exposure
  • I was trying to dig down deeper into the amount of cattle affected by avian flu since i feel "cattle in 14 states" is one of those CDC minimization attempts. I managed to find out 238 "herds" have been affected and the average herd in the us is 44 head. So 10k cattle (minimum?) and 20 million birds, and let's eduguess terrible protections for farm workers. Baby, we got a stew goin'!

  • Great new club
  • I think this has great template potential

  • Badly aged
  • Every time someone disagrees with a lib they cover their ears and eyes while chanting psyopsyopsyop like a magic spell to make the boogeyman disappear

  • Risky Buisness
  • I've been avoiding hawk tuah as an exercise in how long it was possible to avoid the meme but now i've looked up her name and it's Haliey Welch

  • Dems
  • They shouldn't though not really. They're as hopped up on tv's pseudo-reality as the FOX denizens and 'knowing better' is simply part of the fantasy they're sold

  • In this Site we stand for the flag
  • Yeah pupper background looks like Patrick swayze's afterlife in ghost

  • Removed
    Anyone else find European libshits a tad bit worse than Y*nkoids at times?
  • Nah, they sound exactly the same as yanks to me- which is funny not annoying as it proves these losers are all slopping at the same thought trough. I enjoy their monolithic monotony cuz when i find some european larping as a yank to shame libs into voting for genocide i laugh fit to split.

  • knock knock motherfucker
  • God that's the worst che-smile

  • Man fuck reddit and it's "advice" and fuck the anglo internet for gatekeeping actual answers to questions behind that nazi hellsite.
  • Not really related but I ate this pint of ice cream called chocolate galaxy or something all in one go that musta had a ton of black dye in it. I shit green for 4 days.

  • Rolling pronouns?

    Ok so i learned about a person coming out as non binary recently and this reminded me of my confusion about (i think they're called rolling pronouns) she/they and he/they specifically.

    I have looked around at some sites speaking to it but none of them have made it clear to me whether use of "her" or "him" instead of "theirs" in the case of someone who wishes for (s)he/they is misgendering.

    I had (mis)understood before that (s)he/they meant they were fine with either their gendered pronoun AND the gender free option, but am i way off base? Is the "they" not an option?

    Apologies if this is breaking rules or has been answered, i didn't see anything on the sidebar so here goes nothin...

    the_post_of_tom_joad the_post_of_tom_joad [any, any]

    Sooner or later they’d get me for one thing if not for another...

    [But if] a fellow ain’t got a soul of his own, just little piece of a big soul, the one big soul that belongs to everybody, then…Then it don’t matter. I’ll be all around in the dark – I’ll be everywhere.

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