Personally I'd agree on similar values and goals but my personal anecdote side tracks from the point of an accessible solution to anyone. Even I'm in a more privileged situation than an average human and still have issues with the income-expense equation yet to solve, not for a lack of trying.
I don't have that argument (or any arguments) in any of my comments and I don't believe there's a single solution to everyone.
I have only been interested in the framework that relies only on trying to see if there's anything new to apply to my or any different situation.
Clarifying(?) edit:
Sure I think I see you champion a mindset shift, and that is definitely what most people would first need. In addition to that, there's hard math that needs to work. Similarly; a person might want to become an entrepreneur, they have that anxiety or fear of leaping to the unknown I detect from your message. When they cross that barrier, they also need to have the numbers which are sustainable. A wonderful can-do attitude and trying again and again but with failing numbers isn't enough.
No I don't mean I've quit trying. I mean that I am past needing the will to try. I'm equipped with it forever, and am actively continuing to pursue solutions.
Just the goal of removing the mandatory quality of working. Free from work. Quitting forever. Every day a personal choice. To use professional skills for helping those who need them instead of benefiting capitalists.
I'll skip the details, it'd be too long to write now.