In the wake of the recent European Parliament elections, the Pirate Party has lost its representation in the legislative body. This outcome was confirmed by Patrick Breyer, a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and a prominent figure within the Pirate Party. Breyer, known for his staunch opposit...
Patrick Breyer, a staunch defender of digital rights, laments the Pirate Party’s exit from the EU Parliament as a blow to online privacy.
I always expected us to never address our ecological destruction or climate change in any meaningful way, and instead devolve into some techno-feudalist, fascist dystopia before the civilisation collapses into a death spiral... But man... I've never wanted to be wrong more in my entire life.
Watching the EU regress in unison, back down the auth path, is not how I expected it would go down.
I always expected for the irrational opinion of people in many Western countries that they can get anything by voting for it to meet the hard cold reality, but it never was anything like "end of the world".
I'm hopeful. A certain kind of evil people have felt their power and are slowly becoming complacent, which means that the European societies will get a shot at getting rid of them, for the time being. And then there will be a dawn after this sunset.
Though that "allowing the snake to raise its head" thing should be done carefully, so that you'd still be alive when the opportunity to crush that head arises.