Letters: Readers respond to an article about quitting the rat race, with some saying their generation was handed an untenable position and others saying the struggle is nothing new
I, at 37, am reaching my first professional opportunity to manage a support resource I've needed for 5 years, to maintain the data infrastructure I have built that has cut and dry made my company at least 40 million dollars in the past 2 years, but arguably has also saved the company at least 250k in manpower hours each year.
That resource is an outsourced individual from a firm in India who is making a slave wage.
I'd argue it depends on context. When it comes to corporate budgeting, 'resource' is appropriate, as it could be a contracted company, a tool, or an individual. When it comes to actual manpower, I think referring by title is reasonable.
But in the context of hiring and HR, "resource" is the only term they understand, especially if there is trouble making the ROI clear
Best thing I ever did was quit the job I went to school for to sell drugs. I would say my only regret is not starting a business and going to collage 15 years ago.
The amount of sacrifice we make for the places we work for is not fully appreciated.
Honestly, just a lot of paperwork and time. I am now a big proponent of starting your own business, risks be damned. Most people do better work then what they are paid for, may as well have something to show for it.