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/r/ask_transgender calls people who refuse to vote for Genocide Joe "anarcho-kiddies"

As shitty as it is, this country 1. Isn't designed in such a way that would allow a third-party candidate a genuine chance of winning and 2. Has too many centrists that will vote for Biden regardless. Trump has repeatedly garnered heavy support in Republican polls, so they're pretty much almost all in on him. Splitting the blue vote between Biden and whoever else will only lead to a Trump victory after which we might not even be ABLE to vote in 2028.

I'm legitimately having a panic attack. These airheaded anarcho-kiddies are genuinely going to land us all in camps.

biden's doing literally nothing to stop states from criminalizing lgbt people's existence emilie-pain

their fears about a trump presidency are valid but i wish these libs would stop putting their hopes in the DNC when its clear they have zero interest in running a candidate that isn't complete dogshit


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  • If liberals incite anarchists enough with lib insults like anarcho-kiddies it will drive a wedge between them and radicalise a lot of the baby-anarchists into proper revleft anarchists.

    Critical support to liberals fucking up their relationship with the only buttress holding back a huge tide of people from radicalising more significantly.

    • I think you are being overly optimistic about that, but hey every one counts, and i would sure as hell welcome anarchists going against libs instead of commies for once.

      • I am being optimistic but I can think of a few ways it could be pushed.

        A sectarian anarchist-only space intended to dunk on liberals for example. ShitLiberalsSay exists but it's dominated by marxists. Anarchists don't really have any spaces that are dedicated to conflict with / criticising libs from an anarchist position.

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