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Anybody planning on going to see this solar eclipse in less than a month?

Tell your boss you caught a really bad case of ligma and go for it.


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  • I think it's the closest a total eclipse is coming to Philly for while, I knew someone who went down south in 2017 (the one Trump looked directly at).

    I assume articles about the upcoming one all mention it, but if you're in North America there won't be another for more than 20 years, and it's even further from the great NE metropolis. But if you (and the ocean) can hold out til 2079 you can catch it in NYC wowee

    • None of us will be alive in 2079. doomjak

      • On the plus side a black sun casting shadow over the crumbling ruins of the deserted metropolis is going to be metal as fuck for the survivors

        • Let’s start making cult like communist prophesies about the blackened sky of 2079 now so that when it arrives, a millenarian group will be awaiting the sign to start the communist revolution based on the ancient prophesy. It should work as science and facts will be completely inscrutable and lost to the whirlwind of time and history by then. Everyone will be living in their own realities, but the communists with the blackened sky prophesy will be proven right and gain the momentum to overthrow whatever nightmarish brutal remnants of capitalism continue to terrorize the badly destroyed earth.

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