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How come Republicans are the most fervent Christians?

[Disclaimer] - I am not an American and I consider myself atheist, I am Caucasian and born in a pre-dominantly Christian country.

Based on my limited knowledge of Christianity, it is all about social justice, compassion and peace.

And I was always wondering how come Republicans are perceiving themselves as devout Christians while the political party they support is openly opposing those virtues and if this doesn't make them hypocrites?

For them the mortal enemy are the lefties who are all about social justice, helping the vulnerable and the not so fortunate and peace.

Christianity sounds to me a lot more like socialist utopia.


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  • It isn't Christ-ianity, as benJoseph, himself, was the wokest guy in all the new testament.

    It is wearing the appearances of "their" religion while pushing animal-reaction-with-no-moral-responsibility that is going-on.

    The genociders of Russia & Israel are doing the same thing, just with different appearances.

    The Great Filter.

    Read Daniel Kahneman's "Thinking Fast & Slow", which is the most important psychology book on the planet, right now, & see how all these return to fundamentalism, where we are inherently valid, and genociding all "others" is our "GOD-given" Right rabids are..

    pushing Kahneman System-1 ( imprint->reaction, aka animal-reaction, the limbic "reasoning" of herdbeasts & pack-animals, and gangs, and ideology-addiction/prejudice-addiction, which are 2-sides of the same "coin" ) to be displacing considered-reasoning, Kahneman System-2, from the world, is the consistent underlying-commitment in all of these fundamentalists.

    They may wear the appearances of "the communist party", or whatever Putin's party is, or the republican party, or zionism, or the Confucian Marxist Leninist Kapha-metabolism anti-spiritual ideology of the CCP, but the underlying motivation is murdering/obliterating alternative-to-their-ideology/prejudice from our world, for their herd/gang's global totalitarian supremacy.

    This is natural, in The Great Filter, when humankind's unconscious fights to beat/break/obliterate moral-anxiety from its domain, and animal-reaction can't have moral-responsibility, so that is The Answer(tm), according to our unconscious-ignorance.

    Faction against faction, until the polycrisis/metacrisis has "justified" exterminating our world's life, is how unconscious-ignorance wants to play it out, for the "mythic" "importance" or "significance" of being THE "important thing" that beat God, broke God's plan, & made God obey ( toddler-tantrums are always aimed at making the parents OBEY: that is their point ).

    Universe, however, can't care, and .. no obeying/catering-to our unconscious-ignorance's narcissism/entitlement is going to happen, so..


    WHEN you encounter an addict systematically denying facts, whether a smoker denying that their smoking has anything, whatsoever, to do with their endless coughing, or a crack-addict denying that their utterly-corroded-health has anything to do with the crack that's using their life, or an ideology-addict/prejudice-addict denying that evidence shows ClimatePunctuation exists, let-alone is still-accelerating ( as it must, for decades-more ),

    THEN you are seeing Kahneman System-1's fighting-off of objectivity/considered-reason, protecting animal-reaction, and the no-moral-responsibility condition that unconsciousness/ignorance wants to rule all, while narcissistically being catered-to by God.

    The most central piece of evidence in this mechanism is .. actually so old that it probably is from about the time of the sudden-collapse of the last Ice Age, 11,750-ish years ago:

    In the Christian bible, the story in Genesis, of woman eating "the fruit of the Knowledge of Good & Evil" means woman ate Morality.


    ( altruism is generalized-mothering, as researchers from Exeter & Bristol universities found hard-evidence of, in studying wasps' altruism, in Panama )

    Morality is what women ate, & then shared it with us guys.

    Moral-anxiety is the "downfall" the "loss of (animal-ignorance) grace".

    Herdbeasts do not have our moral-anxiety, they live in the "grace" of mere-animal-ignorance.

    Notice, however, that for millenia, religion-men have distorted the story to convict women of "sin" that somehow downfell our entire species.

    Gaslighting on that scale may never have been equalled, for significance of evil.

    Think, though: *it's the same thing as what the "Christians" are doing!

    Kahneman System-1 is fighting-off considered-reasoning, and all the "women, who (supposedly) caused humankind's downfall, ought be uneducated, barefoot, & pregnant, at home, obeying their LORD, a man" scammery is just male-ego trying to occupy the earthly place of lord, or trying to be the proxy "god".

    Israel's claiming that Ezekiel 39 asserts that it is going to be successfully eradicating its neighbors, gaining supremacy..

    .. while creating such absolute-hatred among all the region surrounding them, that their "deterrent" is being corroded-away ..

    .. so that in a few years the Muslim region won't care how much damage Israel does to them, while they're annihilating Israel ..

    Ideology-addiction/prejudice-addiction has strategic consequences.

    Israel's going to be annihilated, exactly as benJoseph stated, 2 millenia ago.

    It's the same, everywhere: animal-ignorance of ideology-addiction/prejudice-addiction is committed to genociding "others", and arranges its own annihilation, whether through political reaction, or through assumption-river/religion reaction, or through impersonal forces like ClimatePunctuation, or food-chain-collapse, both terrestrial & marine ( late this century ), the same won't think, because God obeys the local Ideology/Prejudice .. the same mechanism.

    Imagine humankind turning into herdbeasts, & through the different factions vying for supremacism, the entirety of herdbeast-humankind stampeding off a giant cliff, becoming all dead, broken at the bottom.

    That is The Great Filter's probable outcome, at the moment.

    the "politics" of Leninism, which uses brainwashing "education" to produce/enforce "proletariat dictatorship",

    and the "politics" of Murdochism, which uses brainwashing TV to produce/enforce "populist dictatorship",

    they're really both fighting to obliterate considered-reasoning from all authority, for their exclusive dominion.

    They're the same thing, under the appearances.

    Same with the assumption-river/religion of legalism, which benJoseph railed-against 2 millenia ago, notice that the "Christians" pushing christofascism are legalists, who play exactly the same games that the "Jews" of the Pharisees who convicted benJoseph played..

    No shame, no accountability, no responsibility, only machiavellian narcissism & sociopathy/psychopathy..

    Another assumption-river/religion underlying many "religious" gaslighters is the class-based-"validity" one, which both monarchy & oligarchy are examples of.

    Every time you see the narcissism-body-language of a doctor, condescending to their inferiors ( use video to capture it, watch it in slow-motion, as it becomes much more visible, then ), you're seeing that religion.

    Dad was a medical-researcher & doctor: I grew into presuming the same upper-middle-class "validity" that he presumed.

    7+ years of homelessness, total, throughout my life, finally broke that identity-underlying-ego, to some extent. Cracked it.

    Read the book by researchers Logan, King, & Fischer-Wright, named "Tribal Leadership", on the 5 levels ( not stages: they're mistaken. Stages are irreversible & sequential, like caterpillar->moth. Cultural-process-levels are not irreversible-sequential. ).

    They use doctors as the exemplars of narcissism-culture, identifying a simple experiment we all can do:

    Wearing a suit, & belonging in it, walk into any hospital, & count the % of junior-staff who still have enough human-validity/human-dignity left in them, to meet your gaze.

    Only 1 hospital, that those researchers ever encountered, had junior-staff who still had equal-human-validity in them.

    Then consider narcissism-culture outside of medical-culture..

    the US had over 600 mass-shootings in 2023.

    Mass-shootings are narcissism, lashing-out against others' lives, to "get even" with their wounded-narcissism.

    The 4 false-religions underlying much "politics" and much "religions" are:

    • psychopathic corporate-moneyarchy
    • class-status-based-"validity" ( monarchy is purely this, oligarchy is the intersection of moneyarchy & class-status-based-"validity", in a Venn diagram )
    • legalism
    • authority-worship

    Notice how grabbed-authority-is-the-LORD is taking-over politics..

    Notice how legalism is wedging-out accountability, everywhere..

    Notice how psychopathic corporate-moneyarchy is fighting to prevent living-wage from existing among more & more of the world's population, joining sadism & nihilism to psychopathy..

    Notice how the narcissistic-birthright-entitlement of class-status-based-"validity" is more & more & more obviously becoming central to the fundamentalists who're highjacking the whole world.

    The "politics" and the "religions" are just makeup.

    The real underlying drive, is breaking/obliterating considered-reasoning from having any authority, anywhere, so rampaging nonaccountability can be the alpha-bull, or "lord".

    It's our limbic-brain fighting-off the cortex, or human-brain, one final time.

    Never mistake the symptoms for the underlying-condition.

    see the fundamentalism underlying it all.

    It's sooo simple, sooo clear, sooo .. immense.

    _ /\ _

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