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It's a miracle that Palworld exists, according to the studio founder: 'It was the antithesis of proper game development' It's a miracle that Palworld exists, according to the studio founder: 'It was the antithesis of proper game development'

Pocketpair's CEO explained just how little experience the team had before making the smash hit.

It's a miracle that Palworld exists, according to the studio founder: 'It was the antithesis of proper game development'

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  • I genuinely can't tell whether this is clever marketing or not. Playing up the "smol indie ragtag devs that have no idea what we're doing" seems a little too likely to me. Something feels wrong if you know what I mean.

    The game is extremely well made for an early access game release. It has fewer issues than Baldurs Gate 3 at commercial release and that was a famously pretty good and well polished commercial release.

    What I mean is that I think they're full of shit. Professionals put out things with far more bugs and farrrrr more jank than this all the time.

    I think the whole "we have no idea what we're doing" thing is marketing. Cashing in on the hate of major studios releasing buggy shit all the time by pretending that even complete and total idiots can put out work that isn't busted.

    • You didn't play Craftopia, did you? It was their project before this one and it's hella janky. It's actually been fixed up a good bit now, at release it felt like playing someone's first Unreal project.

      I think they've hired some new staff which really helped with Palworld, but from the founder's perspective I think he basically lucked out.

    • I really didn't walk away from the game my first handful of hours thinking it was more polished than BG3 on release. I had to bail from our MP game because my inventory was rapidly filling with undroppable self replicating meat lmao

      • Ahh well I think that's an outlier? Not sure really i have heard only people talk about how shockingly solid it is for early access.

        • Oh, I'm sure we were in the minority, I just thought it was amusing enough to bring up. My group did experience quite a few bugs but not much I would call major.

        • I think a lot of people are leaning far too far in the direction of "they built this in a cave with a box of scraps, I can't believe my character can WALK" redditism gushing, but it definitely has a huge pile of jank.

          I made my base in the default spawn area in a single player world, and every time the syndicate raid my base, one of them gets stuck where they spawn without fail and cannot attack or move - and i have to run out there and kill him to get my base pals to stop aggro even though this enemy is over 250m away. I have seen many floating rocks not connected to the ground texture (not collectable stone, but environmental rocks). So many aggro pals and human enemies have clipped through environmental rockfaces and one even through the cage they were protecting - which it turns out is a solid object, even after you open it, so you can climb the open doorway of a cage but you can't shoot the guy who just clipped himself into the cage.

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