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Alex Jones is profiting from his new game on Steam — while refusing to pay the Sandy Hook families he defamed Alex Jones is profiting from his new game on Steam — while refusing to pay the Sandy Hook families he defamed

Following his trial for defamation of the families of the children and school staff killed in the Sandy Hook massacre, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is using Valve Corp.’s Steam, the world’s largest digital distribution platform for PC games, to sell an Infowars-themed video game. Jones claims to h...

Alex Jones is profiting from his new game on Steam — while refusing to pay the Sandy Hook families he defamed

Following his trial for defamation of the families of the children and school staff killed in the Sandy Hook massacre, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is using Valve Corp.’s Steam, the world’s largest digital distribution platform for PC games, to sell an Infowars-themed video game. Jones claims to have earned hundreds of thousands in revenue from the video game, yet he has refused to pay the Sandy Hook families. Alex Jones: NWO Wars also mirrors and cartoonishly repackages the conspiracy theorist’s regularly violent, hateful rhetoric despite the platform’s policies against hate speech.


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  • THIS is why it's like pulling teeth to get a pizzagater to make ONE real claim.

    I gave you 3 claims, and you picked your own 4th.

    It is at this point where I am expected to appear to ask for this material. This could be a crime. Be careful. Look how fast this reply was locked-and-loaded.

    Ah, now I see why you were so weirdly desperate for me to post that particular photo. You had a narrative needing to be fulfilled. Sorry to disappoint.

    Are there alleged to be other materials of this child that are objectionable?

    Yes, and they haven't been acted upon either.

    Is this a victim?

    Potentially, yes. How are you imagining this kid "coming forward" to the authorities?

    Silence is clearly not a good measurement. Are there any other methods to look for them?

    Yep. By photos posted online by their abusers. By having child services interview their guardians.

    Theses accusations are dangerous.

    And should have been handled by the police. They weren't.

    There is no one who is credibility alleged to have explicit material of this child.

    No-one claimed this either. Debunkers love to invent strawmen to attack.

    1.) The only thing that little girl's guardians did was upload a photo of the aftermath of child's play.

    Your favourite picture is far from the only suspicious Instagram post/comment

    You get federal authorities to harass strangers.

    Literally their job. And they point is they weren't doing it.


    You are the one defending the guy with a "members only" file share on his website who makes child abuse jokes on Instagram.

    based on as flimsy shit as you accept as proof.

    This applies equally to debunkers who think "no basement" is proof that pizzagate is false.

    I'm not convinced any part of pizzagate is real, but you (and other debunkers) are convinced it is 100% fake. That's what is interesting.

    Pizzagate debunkers are just as fervently irrational as the unquestioning gun toting believers.

    • read

    • THIS is why it’s like pulling teeth to get a pizzagater to make ONE real claim.

      I gave you 3 claims, and you picked your own 4th.

      Would you like me to read one of those 3 claims?

      Instagram was used to joke about child abuse.

      So let's see we're YOU are finding this instagram stuff. Hmm..

      No, the. Best evidence is the steemit summary above. That made a LOT of people suspicious

      Ok, we know where your BEST evidence is. Let's figure out this instagram claim.

      Here are the times YOU brought up Instagram:

      At least the guardian’s of the kids in the Instagram photos should have been questioned.

      We are discussing 8 year old emails and Instagram posts.

      Virginia Giuffre was a victim who came forward.

      Only as a middle aged woman. Kids in the Instagram photos would now barely be over 10.

      There are no victims in pizzagate.

      We have photos of some from Instagram.

      That investigation went as far as it could before violating the rights of a private business owner

      No. There was no investigation (sorry, no supporting evidence). “Private business owner” has nothing to do with suggestive Instagram posts involving children.

      You talk a lot about instagram for someone who finds the FIRST instagram picture from your GOLDEN source embarrassing. Here, I'll add context. I'll expand the crop. And let see what this fear-mongering document says...

      It's the "most widely referenced one". YOU are the one pointing to internet "frenzies" as evidence. An internet frenzy was whipped up about this ONE picture in particular. There are no other pictures related to this child. YOU are claiming the other photos are connected.

      Adding more context makes the evidence look WORSE.

      Also notice that the simple explanation isn't good enough: "please let me know if there are more". They want another explanation because then "see, they're changing their story". For some reason they want the reader to be suspicious of only ONE explanation. Reality works in a strange way for people who think like this.

      Then every pizzagater ever says, "that's why you picked THAT photo. Of course the one my opponent chooses one that makes me look silly. They won't show you the other stuff I sent them. Please read the first paragraph at least, where it says if you don't see EVERYTHING, you'll be too ignorant to know the truth."

      They are always saying "look at everything. but don't look at anything."

      The only claim I made is that I have seen no proof of illegal activity. There are plenty of times in my life where I have seen proof of illegal activity. It's a pretty common thing to see on the news. I don't see why I should worry about people who have weird tastes in art. I see a lot of mixing pizza, weird art, and sex in that doc, but not kids. I'm worried about one who see that photo as normalization of child abuse. (Here is where that claim of "I'm not claiming THAT photo is what i'm talking about. don't you see how vague i'm being. look at everything" This is 30-Rock's "Homonym Game" )

      Seeing a girl smiling with masking tape on her arms does NOT look like normalization [i use US spelling]

      Can do you have a picture where she isn’t smiling?

      So it’s not abuse if they enjoy it? Heard of normalisation?

      You are either being very disingenuous here, or you find that image stirring. I do not want to accuse you of anything, but the reason I want a journalist in the loop is because every pizzagater with any sizable voice is WITHOUT FAIL either (a) trying to convince people (including themselves) that SA material of minors is more common than it is or (b) very homophobic.

      The document you provided is teeming with homophobia.

      I am implementing a new rule. I will not engage with pizzagate arguments with people unless they pledge: "There is a gay person in my life that I love, and they live a meaningful, fulfilling life." That's probably not hard. Honestly, I don't care if you know them personally.

      If you can't do that, I'd rather deal with a more serious mind virus.

      • You talk a lot about instagram

        Because that is where Alefantis posted.

        There are no other pictures related to this child.

        There are more. E.g. wearing a "pizza slut" t-shirt.

        YOU are claiming the other photos are connected.

        Yes. Alefantis commented on most or is connected via his restaurant.

        Also notice that the simple explanation isn't good enough

        If you want to claim a slamdunk debunk then the simple explanation must be the only explanation, or the suspicious explanation is shown to be impossible.

        Your "debunk" falls far short.

        The only claim I made is that I have seen no proof of illegal activity.

        You claimed pizzagate is absolute garbage. That it was debunked.

        2 dudes on a street correr and a BMW parked nearby is not proof of illegal activity. But it is suspicious. You want the police to check it out.

        I'm worried about one who see that photo as normalization of child abuse.

        Dude, you're the one obsessed with this particular photo.

        "There is a gay person in my life that I love, and they live a meaningful, fulfilling life." Send your gay strawman away.

        • Please remove the quotation marks. That's not how words work.

          • There is a gay person in my life that I love, and they live a meaningful, fulfilling life. I love gays. Great fun.

            What I don't like seeing them being irrelevantly dragged into arguments in an attempt to distract and score cheap points.

            This has nothing to do with showing that the claims made by pizzagate are impossible.

            • Cool. There are gay people I love too. Wouldn't change a thing about them.

              Dude, you’re the one obsessed with this particular photo.

              Sure am. You see someone showed it to me in a document they linked. They called the dossier the best evidence of pizzagate. That dossier has this particular photo. It even said "We might as well start with this picture of a girl taped to a table, which is probably the most widely referenced one." Of course, that " girl taped to a table" was standing on the floor with her arms affixed to a table with masking tape, and not even a lot of tape.

              That photo sure stirred up a frenzy. My claim was that anytime anything that is purported to be concrete evidence is investigated, it sure looks like nothing upon inspection. The pizzagater always plays the Homonym Game. "I was talking about a different photo?" Well, I'm talking about this photo.

              So if you argue that frenzies show there must be something happening, I will point to THIS picture. Because it is THIS that picture that by itself caused a frenzy. Read the words around the picture. Then read my proposal of the only definition of pizzagate i can agree with

              Pizzagate: The believe that real world damage can be caused simply by never admitting any harmless explanations regardless of plausibility.

              So 4chan decides to use Pizzagate as a weapon to sick on this shop owner and his friends and family. It fits just fine.

              You act like I'm cherry-picking, because you know most people aren't going to check, and the kinds of people that do check don't fall for this shit.

              Well, that piece of "evidence" is clearly trash. Anyone trying to sell it to me thinks I'm stupid. Why would I bother?

              Do you have a dossier that does NOT include wastes of time?

              • They called the dossier the best evidence of pizzagate.

                Did they? It's not a bad introduction but voat had much better documentation.

                That dossier has this particular photo.

                Again? Let's discuss this one instead.

                Well, I'm talking about this photo.

                The photo is not illegal, but it is suspicious, especially when combined with Alefantis' other posts.

                Because it is THIS that picture that by itself caused a frenzy.

                See. You have to add in and highlight "by itself".

                So 4chan decides ...

                4chan didn't make him post suggestive comments or host suspicious files on his website.

                Well, that piece of "evidence" is clearly trash.

                You have failed to make this argument clearly.

                Do you have a dossier that does NOT include wastes of time?

                So one item labeled a waste of time allows you to disregard the rest. This is a repeat of the "no basement=debunked" argument.

                Pizzagate debunkers are just as illogical as Pizzagate true believers.

                • I'm not talking about another photo. You have a mountain of evidence. Please edit out any trash designed to waste time. That picture is a pretty clear litmus test. I'm not stupid enough to be scared of that photo. If you think I am, this will not go anywhere.

                  • I'm not talking about another photo.

                    Then you aren't going to debunk them.

                    Please edit out any trash designed to waste time.

                    If you had been able to debunk pizzagate this step would not be necessary.

                    That picture is a pretty clear litmus test.

                    Sadly I think I agree.

                    I'm not stupid enough to be scared of that photo.

                    I'm not really interested in measuring how stupid you are.

                    • I’m not really interested in measuring how stupid you are.

                      Then what are you even doing here? Honestly. You asked if my favorite podcast had a pizzagate episode.

                      I said, i don't think so. I'll ask others. I don't like talking about pizzagate because every claim is dumb. I said:

                      The only thing interesting about pizzagate is how strongly people can hold on to beliefs with zero backing

                      In fact, I’d go as far as to say, the fact there is no evidence backing it up is precisely why this stuff is so dangerous. If some one is mentally unsteady enough to accept any reason to hate their enemies, they are probably pretty dangerous to be around already. Now use a massive media operation so that person need no other source of news. He (sorry to be sexist, but I’m going to stick with “he” for the easily influenced viewer’s pronoun) knows he’s right. He hears nothing but that he is right. However, out in the dangerous part of the world [to clarify, i mean reality i meant to put quotes], no one cares about this. It’s so fucking easy to dismiss this stuff. Why would anyone believe it?

                      None of that has changed. The more I say, the more you shift and want me to look elsewhere. It's clear to me that anyone who could read that doc and not be embarrassed that they are trying to spook you with that picture, is not worth engaging with.

                      You picked out me saying "no victims coming forward". You know there's still not any, right? No matter how many different things you tell me. You called it a "bad argument". I'm not here to argue. You brought this shit up. It's not an argument. It's a fact. You can keep claiming not to make an claims. But facts are facts. Calling them "arguments" makes them sound like they can be "bad". Nope. I said a fact, and you took personally.

                      So you link some homophobic shit. i don't want to read that. There's some horrible allegations that if some unhinged individual who has a fuzzy notion of epistemology reads, things could get and have gotten ugly.

                      Your lies are consequence free. Is there anyone (journalist, pundit,...) with a reputation to protect that says anything about this?

                      If you had been able to debunk pizzagate this step would not be necessary.

                      Can you show where I had expressed any desire to debunk this? This might be my first use of the word in this thread.

                      I said it's not interesting. I haven't seen any claim attached to anything concrete. Why would I engage? I'm not a witness.

                      The only document you have has claims that no one can be serious about. I'm asking you to remove those. You're just wasting my time.

                      • You asked if my favorite podcast had a pizzagate episode.

                        Yes. Thanks for that. Sincerely.

                        I don't like talking about pizzagate because every claim is dumb.

                        A lazy, blanket statement leading to this lengthy thread.

                        The only thing interesting about pizzagate is how strongly people can hold on to beliefs with zero backing

                        It's also interesting how claims that it was debunked dissolve when examined.

                        the fact there is no evidence backing it up

                        I linked to some evidence. It's hard to do so now that search engines have been scrubbed and voat has died.

                        Why would anyone believe it?

                        Because the claims are not impossible, or even unlikely.

                        The more I say, the more you shift and want me to look elsewhere.

                        At the beginning I gave you the NYT and a steemit link with additional evidence. Nothing has shifted.

                        You link some homophobic shit. It's clear to me that anyone who could read that doc and not be embarrassed that they are trying to spook you with that picture, is not worth engaging with.

                        I didn't write it. There are not a lot of other options that search engines index. Just view the pictures if the text offends you.

                        Your lies are consequence free.

                        All the linked evidence is factual. I've not drawn any conclusions. Not sure what I could have lied about.

                        Is there anyone (journalist, pundit,...) with a reputation to protect that says anything about this?

                        This was the closest

                        Can you show where I had expressed any desire to debunk this?

                        Whenever you state that every pizzagate claim is dumb.

                        The only document you have has claims that no one can be serious about. I'm asking you to remove those.

                        Ok. I'll remove everything from that document except for this

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