I wanna believe things are getting better. I have had women speak in my dota games a few times recently and havent seen anything weird. Though to be fair, the average age of dota player is pretty high. so maybe this is why.
I think this is the main reason. Without googling anything I'd say the average age of a dota 2 player is at least 19 (if not more) compared to 14-15 for other games.
I haven't played for a couple years but from what I remember out of thousands of hours playing I only heard a woman speak a small handful of times, it was always very surprising
Oh I'm not saying a female player is common, all I'm saying is that people don't treat them poorly. I have played with a girlfriend a couple of years ago and we had zero poor interactions. There are toxic people but they are toxic towards everyone. Nothing specific to female players.
DOTA 2 gave me a Stalker on Steam. Also a lot of inappropriate comments and insults. You also get automatically blamed more. I only play with friends now.