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South Africa's genocide case against Israel sets up a high-stakes legal battle at the UN's top court South Africa's genocide case against Israel sets up a high-stakes legal battle at the UN's top court

South Africa has launched a case at the United Nations’ top court alleging that Israel’s military campaign in Gaza amounts to genocide.

South Africa's genocide case against Israel sets up a high-stakes legal battle at the UN's top court

Link to the summary of findings submitted by South Africa:

South Africa’s 84-page filing says Israel’s actions “are genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part” of the Palestinians in Gaza.

It asks the ICJ, also known as the world court, for a series of legally binding rulings. It wants the court to declare that Israel “has breached and continues to breach its obligations under the Genocide Convention,” and to order Israel to cease hostilities in Gaza that could amount to breaches of the convention, to offer reparations, and to provide for reconstruction of what it’s destroyed in Gaza.


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  • It’s one thing to do the trendy Israel bashing with alt-left anti-Israel kids on a forum to shout genocide and be sloppy with the term while they rage nonsensically over propaganda for which they’ve fallen.

    It’s an entirely different thing for a failed state like South Africa to try to prove a factual and meaningful case based on actual law and legal definitions. Not a chance in hell this will amount to anything.

    They’ll even have to establish that Gaza residents are “Palestinians”. The world had to make a special definition of refugee, just to call everyone in Gaza and the West Bank a refugee. If you used the UNHRC standard (which is applied to EVERYONE else worldwide, then there’d be a few hundred thousand at best, and millions lose their status as refugees.

    The whole identification of Palestinians as a nationality could be explored in the courts, if this were taken seriously. Since pre-1908 the Ottoman empire and people in Palestine were more about tribal and family identity. Plus, for genocide, mabey you have to write off the Palestinan Jews then and say they don’t count, b/c really we mean just the Arab Palestinans…. blah blah. I’m not litigating it, I’m pointing out this is stuff easy to ignore in a hate frenzy on Lemmy, but that doesn’t get it ignored in courts.

    At an even lower level, there is no Palestine. It’s not a state, in a legal sense, that causes legal problems. I mean, I guess it’s why you have what reads like the start of a bad joke “South Africa brings a genocide case to the ICJ”… with them as proxy for the people who want a state and believe they have standing? Who knows?

    I’m curious who would even represent the Palestinians in court at this point? Hamas, their elected terrorist government? Or Abbas who has over 90% that wants him to resign? And then you have the issue that Abbas doesn’t run jack shit in Gaza, Hamas does, and he is barely holding onto his power even in the West Bank, since most Palestinians favor Hamas.

    Things like that are going to matter, in a real court, it’s not just a Lemmy Israel bashing circle jerk.

    And all of that is before you get into actually debating the genuine issues, which will be things like do the war-crimes of Hamas such as co-location make normally prohibited targets legal? Because a huge part of the whole genocide claim relies on the court agreeing that if you hide in hospitals and schools you shouldn’t be attacked, no matter what actions you took outside of those or coordinate from within them. And since co-location is already a war crime, that will be an interesting thing to watch argued.

    And all of that is before you get into actually trying to prove the war crimes. At the ICJ, “I saw this on a white nationalist blog!” won’t cut it, not like here in Lemmy World News.

    The whole thing just seems mostly like propaganda stunt designed to get Isreal’s haters excited and circle jerking. Which as a propaganda move—is, I think, rock solid. Almost as good as getting people to watch Hamas’ official television and publications… er… I mean Al Jazeera.

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